I found this to be hilarious and cute. This just made my whole day when I saw it this morning.
I gave my kids a terrible present...I'm evil for laughing at this
by fade_away 13 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
That poor girl's face at the 4:04 mark is classic.
charlie brown jr.
Wicked Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
charlie brown jr.
No room for George!!!!!!
Love the New Avatar!!!!!!!!!
LMAO "Tell him he can suck my balls!"....That kid would SO get his ass kicked for that...
White Dove
You mean the chubby 10 year old brat?
Yeah, he'd never think of doing that in my family.
He'd never see another Christmas.
Mouthy brats....I guess I am relieved for not being the only one with one of those...
When I'm in charge of the universe, children will not develop vocal chords until they are over 15 years old.
Imagine a poor Witness kid thinking he finally gets a real present and it turnes out to be a stale Cheese Danish left over from the District Assembly , a set of bound volumes or some back issues of the golden age. It would probably send him to the looney bin.
When I'm in charge of the universe, children will not develop vocal chords until they are over 15 years old.
When I'm in charge, they'll come with volume controls and 'off' switches..