I see the WT connection as you are undercover , aren't you?
One way to find out more about your dream is to list the people in the dream and ask them one at a time why they are there. I know it sounds odd but this is a gestalt method of dream interruption and it works..I have used it many times and it has helped me. My last therapist was a gestalt expert and he helped me interpret my dreams.
What you need to know for this method is: you are everyone and everyone is you. So you are actually all the people in the dream . You have your dream written down so put yourself in a quiet place where you are undisturbed and focus on the dream. Relax and start with one character and ask them who they are and why they are in the dream. Ask them what they want or need. Basically, who are you and why are you here? Believe it or not, it works. You just focus and become the character in the dream, b/c you actually are. Ask the questions. You will be amazed at the answers you will get. Remember dreams are not logical so don't expect perfection.
If you have a friend who would help you with this it works better but can be done by yoursself.
interesting dream. remember only you really have the answers to unlock the dream but a good gestalt dream therapist can help you see connections that you may not be aware of.