I have been out for a long time. But, I remember "overcoming objections" was a big part of developing the JW mindset and was a regular drill at the TMS. Is that term still part of the JW lexicon?
Overcoming Objections
by journey-on 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It wasn't called "overcoming objections" was always referred to as "Conversation Stoppers".
cantleave, I was never very good at "overcoming objections" in field service. Some of the householder's objections seemed perfectly biblical to me and the dozen or so scriptures the WTS uses to cover everything seemed too broad and sweeping. It was their objection that generally stopped the conversation for me.
Does anybody know if "overcoming objections" is still used in the JW terminology?
Conversation stoppers last I checked.
Usually, that is a good way to pxxx off people. When a person is not interested, usually it is because they have researched the religion the last time the witlesses stopped, didn't like it, and now they are supposed to be interested. It might be acceptable if a person is merely busy and you adjust the presentation so they have the tract in under 30 seconds. But, when a person is not interested or has a legitimate objection, it is best to not challenge it lest you find the householder going in promising to be back, returning 2 minutes later with a gun, and saying "I said, I'M NOT INTERESTED!"
Hmmmm...so the new phrase is "conversation stoppers". That shows you how long I've been out!
I was thinking about the relatively few scriptures I was taught to use to "overcome objections" and this seemed to be a major goal in field service.
So, now, the goal is not to get into a discussion to overcome an objection, but rather to stop the conversation altogether???? That explains a lot.
No...the "conversation stopper" was what they called the householder objection. Same thing, two names. I think overcoming objections is used more in sales, and probably along the way someone high-up thought they probably shouldn't use that "salesman" jargon.
In theory, its still the same old game.
JW introduces self.
HH objects, "I have my own religion"
JW says "Oh, thats great, we love talking to people of all religions. What do you think of [insert subject related to latest mag]? Wait for HH to take the bait...then leave the mags.
In reality, its door-to-door sales, I was shocked how similar the JW "pitch" is to a salesman's technique after I read a few books on sales.
Been out a few years myself, but there are so many "tract campaigns" now where they hit-and-run the HH instead of trying to get in an actual conversation. There is also a push to get studies started (good luck with that) so they have certain days set aside each month where JWs are supposed to offer a "free home study"
Back in my day....it was overcoming objections.
Now that I'm out I realize the Make Sure of All Things Book was created for just such a purpose based on a faulty idea of success.
You can't really overcome a false premise by ASSUMING the premise yourself.
Text battles with cherry-picked scripture citations is futile because there is no MEANING only interpretation.
Thank you, Terry, for mentioning Make Sure of All Things. I was trying to think of the name of the book that we always carried with us door-to-door when I posted this topic, but just couldn't bring it forth from the rusty-JW memory bank.
Also, (Terry, you may be able to confirm this), didn't we have a condensed version of objections and scriptures to overcome them in the back of the older NW Translations?
LostG....for a certainty, the WTS has the sales pitch technique down pat....afterall, they ARE a publishing company first and foremost!
breakfast of champions
The way JWs overcome "objections" or "conversation stoppers" these days is by taking French leave to the nearest Starbuck's.