This would come in VERY handy for some of us with JC's on the horizon...

by Morbidzbaby 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Oh, please, Sooner7NC...

    There's no MONEY in THAT approach....

    You want something that you can use to SUE THE SH*T OUT OF the elders...

    That stupid thing will only end up costing your family all of their possessions when the survivors of the massacre institute a civil suit...

    Remember Ivana Trump's saying - "Don't get mad, dahrling - get EVERYTHING!!!"

  • diamondiiz

    have an iphone in your shirt's pocket with video on - hows that

  • WTWizard

    Now, if they start instituting cancer scanners and gropings like the TSA, you might be able to sue them for doing that plus getting them in trouble for impersonating the TSA. If they grope you for such hidden recorders, they could be disfellowshipped themselves for "fornication" on the grounds that they tried handling private parts. A few underwear recorders might force them to do that, only to run into that problem themselves. Then they get sued for the groping in addition to getting sued for the original judicial hearing.

    Posting videos of them using their own cancer scanners and gropings will also help embarrass them. A caption that they bash fornication so harshly preceding these videos will embarrass them all the more, since that's what they will effectively be committing if they handle your privates in an attempt to locate recording devices.

  • NewChapter

    I thought it was funny when he told them at the end that he had recorded the whole thing. My problem is I have a really touchy "blush" trigger and have a hard time lying. I'm afraid if they ask me directly if I have a recorder, I may be able to lie, but then I'd blush and give it away. Maybe I should show up drunk.


  • Qcmbr

    Have a friend accompany you and give them the tape recorder. Are friends allowed in JCs?

  • NewChapter

    Q--they allowed one in the above youtube video---but no, not usually. I know. I tried once. They said no. It's not usual at all. I still get pissed off when I think about my JC's and that I put myself through that. They had me so captive that I couldn't get any peace at all until I "confessed". Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. I couldn't even carry on normal converstions until I took care of that. I wasn't DF'd either time, but how I would love to walk into a JC without a care in the world. I used to think if I lied to the elders I was lying to Jehovah. Well-----no issues now. I would love to go in and just lie, lie, lie. The problem---even though I don't even believe in a god anymore, I'm a terrible liar. Even though I KNOW nobody can look inside my brain it doesn't sit well with me. And then there is that damn, damn, confounded BLUSHING! It's been the bane of my existence! LOL

    Maybe an extra dose of beta blockers and some Ativan.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I have camrea's over every technician, in the front lobby, shipping, and in the parts room. Although the cameras and the attached mics are about ten feet above everyone, the pics are very detailed and I can pick out a whisper. It's easy and I plan on recording my JC should it ever happen

  • slimboyfat
    Have a friend accompany you and give them the tape recorder. Are friends allowed in JCs?

    Nope, you are confusing JW judicial meetings with a just process where the 'defendant' has rights and is treated with dignity.

  • Morbidzbaby

    @ Black Sheep, I was thinking that having it in a suit jacket pocket would hide the display... And for the ladies, maybe wearing a blazer and putting it the pocket. I wouldn't think layers of fabric would reveal the recorder. And if they ask if you have a TAPE recorder, you don't. All you have is a just so happens it records, but there's no TAPE involved.

    I think maybe that's how that guy in the YouTube vids was justified. Everyone who was "pro-elder" that commented on his vids accused him of lying. Technically, he didn't. They asked if he had a TAPE RECORDER, and he produced one. They asked if he had another one, and he said no. If he had an ELECTRONIC recorder, then he wasn't lying.

    As for having a friend present, usually you aren't allowed. It's a kangaroo court. Unless that person is a witness on your behalf (in other words, if they can provide you with an aliby if you've been accused of fornication, or if they can testify they've never heard you speak against the org, or if they're a witness to a case of pedophilia [highly unlikely]). Basically if the accused is a female and the "friend" is her husband, he is allowed because he is her head. As a matter of fact, usually they are demanded to be present. If it's a male, he doesn't have to have his wife present. But anyone else is not allowed. It's 3 men against YOU alone. This is why it's completely unfair. You're bombarded, intimidated, and alone. There is no one on your side to assist with your defense. They don't want witnesses to what goes on and how unfair they are and the fact they are NOT led by Holy Spirit, but their own small insignificant minds. If this were a criminal case (the way it's always treated as one), the accused could opt to be silent until they had their lawyer present. They could opt to have a witness or two in order to establish character as well as an aliby. But this is The Watchtower Corporation, not real life.

    In one of my JC's, the vote had been 2 to 1 to DF me, but one of the elders made a strong case for me and convinced the others it wasn't the thing to do. Supposedly, a few days later one of them had remorse and told my ex they SHOULD have DF'ed me because I was not repentant (this was apparently "obvious" because I had a nose piercing and didn't take it out...I wore it to my JC, one said a thing. It's a conscience matter anyway). So basically, this showed there was no Holy Spirit involved. It was the opinion and FEELINGS of 3 men that decided my of them was just more convincing in his argument for me. If someone can change their mind and express regret a few days later, that shows that it was THEIR mind to change, not Jehovah's. Now, if anyone outside the congregation found that out, it would "drag Jehovah's name through the mud". If anyone INSIDE the congregation found that out, there would be an uproar. Why do you think DF'ed ones cannot be spoken to? Because THEY know if they were repentant and especially if they were DF'ed for apostasy, no one wants them to be able to speak to the congregation.

  • ziddina
    " I wasn't DF'd either time, but how I would love to walk into a JC without a care in the world. I used to think if I lied to the elders I was lying to Jehovah. Well-----no issues now. I would love to go in and just lie, lie, lie. The problem---even though I don't even believe in a god anymore, I'm a terrible liar. ..."

    What you do, dear New Chapter, is PRACTICE, practice, practice in front of a mirror until you've smoothed out your performance...

    You've always wanted to be like Meryl Streep, or Sandra Bullock, or Emma Stone, right?

    Here's your chance...

    Practice it as though you were going for an oscar...

    I'm sure that you will do VERY well!!

    [makes mental note to never buy a used car from New Chapter, now that I've given her tips on how to lie successfully... ]

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