poopsie, hhg finally got busted!
JW Cable TV Installer Counts His Time.. Home owner very pissed off !
by Hairyhegoat 42 Replies latest watchtower bible
I thought this was a cut and paste right from the start...I didn't think he himself actually had the experience. I thought he just forgot to include the link...The last sentence gave it away for me...The entire post was spelled correctly, with the exception of that one line. Plus the thread title seemed like a headline.
ANYWAY, I know of plenty of JW's who used their jobs or classes as an avenue to preach. Thankfully, they were spoken to about this behavior, but they were still able to use them covertly as recruitment avenues... A quick "Well, I have something for you to read in my car...*wink wink nudge nudge*". My mother was one of these. Embarrassed the crap out of me wherever we went. If we were out at a restaurant, she'd leave something with the waitress. If we were out in a group setting with my then-worldly dad, she'd "strike up a conversation" and bring it around to religion or the bible with people I was friends with and completely embarrass me. She'd embarrass my dad, too...He forbade her from bringing literature when we went out. We worked together twice in my life and she made our workplaces hostile by bothering people with religion...people turned on her and then on me, even though I didn't say a peep about it. I was guilty by association. It got to the point after she quit both jobs that I would just go along to get along...sort-of participating in holidays and whatnot just so I wouldn't be associated with her Watchtower-wagging (can't really call it bible-thumping, now can we?).
I was in class with a JW that was in my congregation and OMG was she annoying! When I was alone with some of my fellow classmates (who became workmates after), they would talk about her and how "self-righteous" she seemed. Some of the men would swear, tell off-color jokes, etc and she'd eye them and say "You know, I really don't appreciate that kind of talk..." and proceed to launch into a lecture about how she was a JW and she didn't speak that way or give ear to those who do. They would just roll their eyes. When we were alone, they'd say "If she doesn't appreciate that kind of talk, she can fuckin' walk away..." I explained to them the reasons behind her attitude and they asked me how I knew LOL. I told them I'd known her since I was a kid and was raised in her religion and it's a bunch of bullshit. I proceeded to regale them with tales from here on the boards, as well as my own experience. Needless to say, they won't be listening to any JW crap thanks to me! She herself yanked me aside after class one day and begged me not to tell anyone I was a Witless (she had heard me swearing lol. I guess being so upset at myself for screwing up and shouting "SHIT!" was a bit tell-tale...). Apparently my language wasn't "befitting of someone who claims to represent Jehoober". Yet you wouldn't hear her say "boo" to a Ministerial Servant who called another brother an ASSHOLE right in the hall!
These people are vultures, plain and simple. They find a way to get in, then they circle until they can find a good spot to land and peck away at you.
I think HHG honestly forgot to post the link
you can tell by the title of his post
it's all good :)