I served myself a bowl of ABC soup on the seventh second, of the seventh minute, of the seventh hour, of the seventh day, of the seventh year of the Bulls winning the championship in '97.
The letters slowly began to converge and tell me:
In your left foot shoe, you will find the answer. Jah Power! (Some results may vary)
Taken a back, I was both frightened and puzzled for I had both my legs amputated when I was 2 years old. I blew on the soup to see if the oracles would bless me with another divine clue, but all I got was a headache.
I took a stroll on the veranda to clear my mind and sort everything out. Of all the people in the world, the ABC soup had blessed me with the forbidden clue about the "answer". For, the "answer" the soup spoke of, was the answer humanity had looked for since the beginning, when the end would come. Yes, it seems ironic that humans would look for the answer to their own desctruction, but the soup had spoken!
It came to me in a flash of vague, dirty brown light. A seagull pooped on my eye, and it was then I remembered where I had left my shoe at the age of 2. In a leap of faith, I sought the nearest Greyhound Bus stop, and began my perilous journey into New York.
It was there that I first came into contact with Mother Bethel, the oracle of failed prophesies. Of course, at that point in time, she was known as "The Truth, with a touch of New Light". I could have sworn I had seen a sale of a perfume by that name, but this did not distract my resolve. If she had "The Truth", I would venture to her lair.
The story only gets more and more stupider from here......