kalam argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, the moral argument
Dreadful arguments for god, clutching at philosophical straws.
by Jack C. 26 Replies latest jw friends
kalam argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, the moral argument
Dreadful arguments for god, clutching at philosophical straws.
That way that's phrased, it's almost a tautology. It's basically saying, "If the NT were proven to be false, would you believe it is false?"
Dreadful arguments for god, clutching at philosophical straws.
Our understanding of the world, including scienctific understanding, is undergirded by "philosophical straws."
That said, some of the philosophical arguments listed are worse than the others.
It wouldn't make any differences. Genesis has been proven a "hoax" of type, but we still have to fight the vigilant battle to keep ID out of the classroom. All evidence will be chalked up to Satan, disregarded, life will go on as always. A few who critically looke at the evidence may benefit. A few who forgive incompatibility between facts and the New Testament will simply adjust their understanding. And those that are literal bible believers will continue to be.
Yo Ding
Check this out...http://www.skeptically.org/bible/id3.html
Most of the repliers seem to already be on the skeptical side and if such a newsworthy item did appear in the media would probably not be affected to any great extent. What has always seemed strange to me is that when such a scenario is presented to most any Christian they seem to find it almost impossible to defend their faith without the biblical crutch. While I am a believer in an intelligent Creator and the majority of religious exposure I've had has been Christian I find it amazing that people who claim to have an unbreakable faith base their entire belief system on a book alone. They seem to feel that if the bible is wrong that all hope is lost and there is nowhere else to turn. The Bible has actually become a reveared idol and an object of worship in Christian culture. If you present the same question to a Seik or Hindu for example they will tell you that while the Vedic texts are of great importance to them, their faith is completely independent of any book or scripture. Personally I find that the fascinating discoveries currently being made in quantum physics, biology and cosmology provide me with more evidence and faith in a Creator than the Bible could ever have.
However, imagine for a minute that it was indeed fact and that the evidence was irrefutable that the New Testiment account in the Bible was proven to be a hoax
Many parts of the Bible have been proven to be fabricated, yet the 'believers' march on undeterred by reality. There is little to support that Jesus ever actually existed and no archaeological evidence that he did, nor is there any evidence that he did anything attributed to him in the New Testament.
Dear Poopsie,
Glad I helped destroy your monitor, but my statement still stands. Then again I don't expect meaningful and reflective responses from the majority of the posters on this board any longer.
XJW4EVR...you mean to tell me you were serious??
And you expect a response to your request to produce the dead body of a man who may or may not have lived over 2000 years ago?
And you want meaningful and reflective responses to this request?
Why is that a joke? The atheists and skeptics were having multiple orgasms over the Talpiot Tomb and how it disproved the resurrection of Jesus.
There is archeolgical artifacts from the early second century of crucifed men. I'm not asking the impossible.
When you or any other anti-Christian can demonstrate that Jesus did not rise from the dead, then I will abandon Christianity and all other faiths.
Oh, and Poopsie, dismissal is not a refutation.
Religious belief is already so utterly devoid of reason that any additional 'proof' of it's idiocy is not going to convince people.
People don't follow religion because of evidence, proof or logic - they do it because of traditions, upbringing, superstitions and for it's "opiate" effect.