Raxxxx - check your inbox please. You can have it; my apologies for being tardy here. Busy with work (Christmas & New Years).
Crisis of Conscience: Who Wants It?
by RAYZORBLADE 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Found Sheep
I've given to many libraries had a faze of everyone needs this..... try ebay?
Thank you Found Sheep, but honestly, I have a taker.
If not, I'd've just put it in the blue box. -
One cannot give it away; postage paid. At least my local district has book recycling. From one Ray to another: you'lll be meeting your mulch. Done!
Blue box it is.
RAYZORBLADE - I wanted it! I thought you were sending it to Raxxx, with me as a second option if you didn't hear back from him?
I wonder if these guys would take, probably would, they have several copies for sale on eBay
Don't give it away anyway... It would get better use if you sell it...
My art teacher told me you never give away art, because they will not take care of it, if you sell it to them it is more valuable to them and they will take care of it.
RAY! You magnificent man you... ;)
I just texted you.
No, I don't want the book - maybe a newbie can use it.
Hi Ray! Nice to hear from you. I hope all is going well!
I'd just like to say a big "thank you" to RAYZORBLADE for very kindly posting me his copy of Crisis of Conscience.
I am overwhelmed by the generosity of certain members on this forum, and Raymond is no exception.
I'll try to put it to the best possible use!