I hate his social views, but thats not what will bring this country to its knees. His new ad really has me thinking...
Ron Paul from the top rope!
by Diest 18 Replies latest social current
Diest, come on back to my house and we will duke this out!!!
I also have some views on Newt's wife I want to share
Where are you kids? I would love to watch you duke it out!
Imagine if you grew up in America, worked, cared for your family, aspired to something better, wanted to buy a home, send your children to a good school, live the American dream. But you enter a store and try to sit at a counter for a bite to eat. But you get beat up and intimidated and arrested because you are the wrong color. Imagine trying to buy a membership to a private pool because your children like to swiim. Your membership is denied and your children turned away. Imagine finding your dream home, and the owner refusing to sell it to you because you are the wrong color. Imagine working next to a person of the right color, the same job, the same qualifications, but you make 60% less than your coworker. Your color has made your efforts 40% less valuable.
Imagine being a woman with a good education and great qualifications. You don't make as much as the man doing the same job, because the private owner of this business doesn't value a woman's contribution as much as a man. But he values your boobs quite a bit and lets you know it. Imagine how dependent you are on that job in a difficult market. How it puts food on your table and clothes your children. Imagine making the choice every day to be abused at work or not providing for your family.
Imagine the f**king LOVE---because THAT is what Ron Paul is really about. Freedom for the few.
Selfishness is a virtue dear NC, and peace be with you!
Hybrid---you need to understand. I don't care if Ron Paul is not a racist. It matters very little to me when he supports policies that would allow racists the total freedom to oppress any group because of their color. When he supports policies that would force women to choose between their employment and putting up with abuse every day on the job.
Supporters seem to think that just because RP personally is not a racist that his policies are benign. WRONG. His strong emphasis on state's rights and personal property opens the door to all kinds of abuses. And White, Male, Ron Paul simply calls this messy. Liberty is "messy".
He is completely disconnected to the reality of what people do to each other when there is no protection. He is either ignorant or he doesn't care. I talked recently to a conservative christian that has turned into a huge RP supporter. But do you know why? Not because she believes in personal liberty but because she resents the federal government has acted to prevent the state's rights to run over civil rights with a bulldozer. Take away the federal power, and state government can get REALLY big. Yeah, they can insititute churches, people of "like mind" can gather and etch out their society the way THEY want, and their rights would have more weight than those without their views. And she says for those that would be uncomfortable in such a state, they always have the option of moving.
But most of us think civil rights are inherent. We beleive that no matter what state you live in, you should be guaranteed the same rights.
So the argument over whether RP is a racist is irrelevant and tiresome. It doesn't matter. Because he would empower racists to oppress and discriminate with no consequences.
Think of it this way. Just because someone isn't a murderer, if they fight for the right for a person to murder, does that make them less reprehensible? No it makes them totally unqualified to lead. It also makes them even more disgusting, because one could argue that a racist believes he or she is right---but RP KNOWS they are wrong---and still seeks to give them the right to pay blacks a lower wage, deny them employment, and refuse them service.
How do you think Ron Paul would weigh in on the Ohio Civil Rights case of the 'White's Only' pool sign.
How do you think Ron Paul would weigh in on the Ohio Civil Rights case of the 'White's Only' pool sign.
Better than Newt Gingrinch at a Las Vegas buffet!
There is no evidence that Ron Paul is in any way racist. Bring on the next BS effort to smear the only worthwhile candidate!
What we need are fewer half baked policies and more basic humanist principles. I'd vote for the candidate that was least willing to spout off about a topic when they don't have all the facts (like declaring positions on foreign affairs particularly war whilst not having a seat at the security briefings.) If a Republican candidate (or a Democrat for that matter) could turn round and say -
I don't yet have a plan for reducing the countries deficit(/crime rate/immigration issues/educational standards etc.) but here are some broad principles that I'll weigh all the options against (for example: any option that doesn't involve hard work, sacrifice, honesty, compassion balanced by economic sense, doesn't simply rely upon market forces to allocate resources but nor does it rely upon a command economic structure, balances light touch regulation with harsh penalties for violating the common good, protects the environment or at least replaces where possible but above all doesn't involve an innocent going hungry - then that policy is to be disregarded.) Idealism is very bad, ideas are very good, consensus is desirable but leadership requires action.
Ultimately the idea of taking from someone (taxation) to give to someone else is a great disincentive to work. Taxing poorer people or taxing richer people is the same at a fundamental level. Spending more than you get in taxation however, is a greater ill since it taxes the future (and they haven't even voted yet.)