'Cults in Australia' - CIFS 2011 Conference - Many of you will find this interesting.
by sizemik 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Will Power
WOW, that was long!
great to hear the right language describing in detail the way cults work and the reasons they need to be held accountable.
one comment at the end.... paraphrasing .... there are many groups and organizations with different beliefs - some whacky & outrageous, some quietly under the radar but they all use the same methodology and are really so similar it is frightening.
Open talk about Scientology, the French laws, Exclusive Brethern and others, and the mention of one cult they could/would not mention by name..... hmmmm. Maybe it's one with a sensitive court case? hmmm
I feel like I'm one of the people they are trying to reach, in that this subject needs to be talked about openly, but I'm afraid to post this link to family, friends, facebook, politicians, etc. The fear is BECAUSE of the CULT.
thanks for posting.
Thx sizemik for posting that link im watching on youtube the other parts of the conference. Look out WTS if we adopt a similar approach as the French government has.
I would like to work for them.
Funny, as a kid at school and being a JW i always supported the under dog even when i copped a bashing as well ! because for me it was the right thing to do. Supporting our dear bro and sisters who manage to leave the WTS should be a priority for us.(us- being my thoughts only of course and in no way a lecture) as there is going to be a lot of pressure applied to JW's in Australia in the next few months/year and the ones who leave will need comfort and support.
I would encourage you all to watch these videos of the conference that was held in Canberra last November. It shows that the "superior authorities" do have the good intention to protect its citizens from abuse of any kind.
Regards all
Aussie Oz
If there is anyone who has already listened to all the videos and knows which ones may in particular be related or of interest to us as ex Jws are they able to put them here?
Particularly the ones referenced above 'unnamed cult' and the french approach
I cant veiw them all as it will wipe out my internet allowance for the month!
If there is anyone who has already listened to all the videos and knows which ones may in particular be related or of interest to us as ex Jws are they able to put them here?
None of the talks specifically mention JWs. The groups that were mentioned are worse than the JWs, but there are many elements in common.
Particularly the ones referenced above 'unnamed cult' and the french approach
One of the speakers (a journalist) said he couldn't name one of the groups for legal reasons. There's no way to be sure, but I thought it was possibly referring to JWs, which maybe couldn't be discussed due to the pending court cases in Victoria. But that is only a guess.
Oz its worth the time and watch all the videos of the conference. Enlightening as above no mention whatsoever of JW even from French minister.
collective sigh of relief at Denham Court no doubt!
Joey Jo-Jo
thanks sizemilk
As far as cults go, JWs are pretty mild, and really only borderline by comparison. This is not to say that JWs don't use many of the tactics common to such groups. It's just that there are many groups that are much, much worse. But that doesn't change the fact that the JW religion has it's own set of serious problems, and I wouldn't shed a tear if they were banned tomorrow.
As Fascist Governments go, Mussolini's in the 2nd WW was not so bad as the German Govt.
They were both in need of being defeated, any cult, by definition entraps its members, curtails their freedoms, they do not have the right to do that.
Mild or not, a high control group like the WT needs to have its wings clipped at the very least.
Thank you Size, I listened to this while the rest of the family were being indoctrinated at the KH. It helps me keeps my resolve.