I mean think about it, why does a world filled with all kinds of supernatural phenomenon look an awful lot like a world where they don't exist? If the answer to that question requires a lot of circuitous excuses for each supernatural phenomenon, then it's probably a good hint that it's all BS.
If psychics exists why is it always chainsmoking hillbillies winning the lottery? It's never a guy that says "Well, yeah I'm psychic. I mean I was working at walmart and then I was all like 'WTF, why am I stocking shelves? I can see the future! LOLZ' so I bought a lottery ticket. don't know why I didn't do it sooner." If psychics existed, there would be no lottery. It wouldn't be profitable. Psychics would be winning everyday. The powerball would never get over a few thousand dollars because twenty people would win it every day and split it among them. I mean hell, it's a two dollar ticket, if you make twenty bucks you might as well buy it while you're getting gas. All gambling would be rendered unprofitable. That's not to even mention the economic havoc of having psychic stock brokers. But amazingly all psychics on the planet seem pretty content to just let you pay them twenty bucks to tell you that you might get laid next week, and here are your lucky numbers. Also, I bent this spoon.
Then there are mediums, people that speak to the dead. They can even find specific people in the spirit world. Really? Then why the fuck don't they go tell a historian they have abe lincoln on the line? I mean they could produce verifiable unknown stories from antiquity. History would cease to be a mystery. We'd be able to find every pharoah's tomb, every burial ground. Businesses could consult with the great economists and brilliant minds of history that could stay in the loop. Just have the medium give Adam Smith a course in modern economics and let his brilliant mind go to work. Einstein could have tenure at a university. But no, these people's contribution to the world is to have some shmuck pay twenty bucks and tell him that granny says "i love you. Heaven is great, can't wait to see you."
What about consulting with super intelligent powerful demonic forces? Apparently there are people out there just summoning them and befriending them willy nilly. Why not put some of that super intelligence and power to work? Every company should have a satanist on staff to summon demons. "Hey dave, we're pretty swamped. Could you get 'Allegoth the one true visage of pain' to work out the kinks in this subroutine? We've got a deadline to hit." What? The demons wouldn't stoop to such menial tasks? Why not? Are they too busy knocking over your books, closing your doors, and blowing out your candles? It's not like they've got so much going on. I mean all dave had to do was burn some incense draw a few circles on the floor and say "I summon thee" three times and the demons are all like "fuck, I guess I will go chill out with dave for a while. His books seem pretty unsteady, I guess that'll give me something to do while I'm there." Why wouldn't every government be using demonic assassins? You don't need a navy seal team to get Bin Laden, you just give dave a piece of chalk, a gift card to "bed bath and beyond," and fifteen minutes and he'll find some demon that's bored enough to go axe somebody. But no, these people that communicate with demons just want to get emo haircuts, listen to the cure, and cut their arms because their girlfriend broke up with them on account of "drummer" not being a "real job", whatever that means.
If supernatural phenomenon were real like people claim, the world would be a fantastically different place. But the world looks exactly like these things are just made up. Despite the prevelance of these stories, they seem to have zero impact on any real aspect of the world. This should be a clue. They are artifacts of human psychology, they are not a reality that have an effect on the world we live in.