simple yet very visible observation about cults and other more mainstream religions too...

by oompa 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    i now wear a sexy goatee and stach for cosmetic reasons actually...and of course this is not really allowed without penalty in usa jw world....they control so much of your life by endless pharisaical rules...and esp those about dress and grooming....they only allow hair a certain way on the male face...over the lip only....they do not control hair on the face of women interestingly...but funny thing...the amish require a beard...but the reason it looks weird is they forbid hair OVER the male lip...lmao!!!!....and another cult....the hasidic jews require full beards and looooong the funny hats and garb....hardcore muslim is full beard....mennonite wimmin no makeup and old timey full garb and some do have beards lol

    i researched it but still do not understand why so many religions try to dictate how god wants us to groom our beards......oompa

  • EntirelyPossible

    Because men make up the gods. Women don't have facial hair so controlling it, in either direction, is a sign of mens control.

    Incidentally, the OT says to NOT trim your beard, NOT to get tattoos and TO wear a blue fringe on your clothes. Guess which two the JW's ignore yet selectively enforce the third?

  • Fernando

    Legalism is attaining supremacist and sectarian self-righteousness by means of following the supposedly "rightâ„¢" rules.

    Jesus denounced legalism in Matthew 23.

    The Watchtower denounces legalism ONCE only (g79 6/8 pp. 27-28). This was likely written by Ray Franz, just before the Pharisees and Sanhedrin expelled him from the synagogue of the "god of religion", in obedience to John 9:22; 12:42-43; 16:1-4.

    Legalism is a powerful mechanism for the spiritually blind, confused, inebriated and insane ruling religious clergy class to possess and control the dumb sheeple class.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    kinda a funny take on it oompa

    I don't sport facial hair except eye brows and lashes and peach fuzz being a human

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I've wondered about this myself. Isn't it odd how people subject themselves to these crazy restrictions like there really is some divine point to it all. Then there are all the food and beverage restriction that people turn into special instructions from God.

  • tec

    It is funny laid out like that.

    Of course, its purpose is just to make them look the same. So they 'look' united.

    Much better if they 'looked' the same on the inside, since that's what counts.



  • Terry

    Try saying: "Show me in the bible."

    You think would help?


    Control Authority. Submission. Obedience are far more important issues.

    If they can't control you in the little things how are they going to control you in the big ones?

  • ShadesofGrey
    Legalism is a powerful mechanism for the spiritually blind, confused, inebriated and insane ruling religious clergy class to possess and control the dumb sheeple class.

    A gentle reminder, my brother... Our Lord denounced the religious leaders, not the sheep.

    In love,


  • designs

    Shades- Your Lord started a far worse cult that has wrecked more destruction on the human race than any other ideology.

  • Terry

    A gentle reminder, my brother... Our Lord denounced the religious leaders, not the sheep.

    The problem is not with the religious leaders so much as it is with people being sheep!

    What's wrong with being people?

    How far would Hitler have gotten without people agreeing to do his bidding?

    Evil comes from good people who stand by and do nothing or who allow themselves to be used badly.

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