Former Bethelites, Rick Fearon and Everyone, read this!

by Iamallcool 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    If you have been in Bethel, please let us know, so Rick Fearon can contact you via PM to see if Johnny the Bethelite is for real or not. Rick, prove it to us that he is not a fraud, otherwise we will make a petition to Simon to end your Johnny the Bethelite Charade for good. We are tired of it.

  • red21

    Why do you have it in so bad for Rick and Johnny? I listen to the show all the time. I sort of teat it like some of the public radio shows that talk about aliens picking people up from their farm in Iowa! I take it with a huge grain of salt. The woman from Legal, named Barbara seems 100% ligit based on what I have heard her say. Any way you look at it, it is a source of news and information about what is going on. Like the Internet, some true some false. Listen to Rick or don' one makes you? If you want someone telling you what to do, go back to the meetings...they will be happy there!

  • serenitynow!

    Red21, Rick Fearon gives apostates a bad name. So I trust there was no big Johnny the Bethelite announcement?

  • ShirleyW

    Well said Red 21.

    What I found kinda strange is a few weeks ago when Johnny reappeared on the call, was that one of the folks who called in and appeared to be on Johnny's side, I won't mention who, but, I spoke to this certain person about a year ago and this person told me that Johnny was in jail, where this person got the info from I don't know but, this person even said to me that if Rick knew of this, so, regarding all the things we've heard about Johnny, I take it with a grain of salt as well.

  • Gayle

    Rick Fearon gives apostates a bad name. ???

    Rick doesn't give us or anyone that has left the JW organization a bad name. We all leave with a bad name on our own, even the sweetest, sanest of any of us. No one walks from the organization with a good name; whether we were DF'd, DA'd, went loudly or just left quietly, peacefully without a word. We are all the same as far as the WTS is concerned.

  • Gayle

    Rick Fearon gives apostates a bad name. ???

    Rick doesn't give us or anyone that has left the JW organization a bad name. We all leave with a bad name on our own, even the sweetest, sanest of any of us. No one walks from the organization with a good name; whether we were DF'd, DA'd, went loudly or just left quietly, peacefully without a word. We are all the same as far as the WTS is concerned.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    No, we are not all the same as far as the WT is concerned.

    Some go quietly some don't, makes no difference to the WT, BUT...

    For example, post a youtube that embarresses the WT by posting say, a bunch of wacky quotes and watch to see how long it takes to be pulled...not long. Post a video claiming that all old bethelites are kept in a dungeon like nursing home where they are fed blood pudding and it will stay.

    Same goes for websites. Some have disapeared under mountains of legal threats for posting documented factual teachings while another full of wacky spooky crap stays.

    Ask yourself why.

    So it does matter to the WT what sort of 'apostate' is on the net. You think they like JWFACTS, ANDERSON INFO? no. But i would bet they just LOVE SIX SCREENS!

    The former, are thorns in the WT side, the later... well.... just proves to the J dubs that the WT stereo type 'apostate' is just like they say.


    Ps, i don't think Rick should be banned, but he might need some restrictions for spamming. I choose most of the time to ignore his threads, but sometimes still facepalm myself for looking.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    hell I'd ban him for his psychotic ramblings alone.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Rick doesn't give us or anyone that has left the JW organization a bad name. We all leave with a bad name on our own, even the sweetest, sanest of any of us. No one walks from the organization with a good name; whether we were DF'd, DA'd, went loudly or just left quietly, peacefully without a word. We are all the same as far as the WTS is concerned.

    I would respectfully disagree with this and agree with AussieOz. While it is true that all apostates are painted with the same brush.....that brush says we are all evil, warped liars with horrible intentions. Apostates of the JW religion are just like any other people. Some of us are quiet and timid. Some are brash. Some leave quietly. Others feel the need to expose the Watchtower for frauds they really are. There are all kinds of us. Yet the Watchtower seeks to imply in the minds of all 7 million of their followers that we are all the most mentally deranged psychopaths in the world. Rick is a classic example of what THEY LOVE TO SEE. The Watchtower would never encourage that anyone visit an apostate website....but if they had to pick one......Rick's would be it. Why? Because he fits the mold that the Watchtower Society has created. He gives all of the rest of us a bad name. If a witness tripped upon his website by accident.....I have no doubt the witness would leave there saying "wow. The society was right. ALL apostates are wacky".

  • shamus100

    99/100 ex jw's don't want anything to do with him.

    The 1/100 are usually people who were never JW's and don't understand the psyche behind them, or have turned christian fundamentalist bizarro.

    Kiss the monkey!

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