LOL - "Watchtower-approved apostate website" - So true! It perfectly fits into the picture. Cartoonish like the mags & brochures.
Proof versus important is it to you?
by Aussie Oz 16 Replies latest jw friends
He's stirred plenty of shit the whole time I've been here . . . a number of posters have got fed up with this place as a direct result of his circus act. I'm not sure when he launched. The only thing that leaves me wondering is his endorsement (of sorts) by one or two here (one in particular).
Without that, it wouldn't suprise me if WTS was even funding him . . . they know a good investment. He certainly won't get any objections from them . . . they probably use him as an example occasionally. He just a free and handy propaganda tool for WTS.
If he can't see that he must be pretty stupid . . . so you could well be spot on.
Black Sheep
The only thing that leaves me wondering is his endorsement (of sorts) by one or two here (one in particular).
She is one of my favorite ladies, but the reason she gave had nothing to do with the validity of the content of Rick's website.
You can even find nice things to say about that greenie who wants to save the planet from behind the big iron door if you look hard enough.
What's his name???
Oh yeah, Charlie Manson.
Rick is mad as a box of frogs, but people who think he is working for the Watchtower are barmy too.
Some of the early interviews on his show were actually quite good. Whatever happens to his site I hope copies of those remain available.
"Ricks big mistake is not the story's. Its the sensationalism he builds for them. Its the insistance that we believe incredibly unbelievable situations as fact, that we are fools for not believing. Sure he gets stroppy back, i can understand that, he is getting attacked, but he has dug a deep hole in the soil of credibility."
Amen. Personally I find it difficult to tolerate those that exaggerate and sensationalize excessively. Because ultimately it means that you cannot believe what they are saying. When a person consistently exaggerates or don't know how much of a story you can and cannot believe....thus making the whole damn thing about as believable as a tabloid magazine.
I think what bothers most of us is that he gives credence to the belief among witnesses that all apostates are lying, hateful people.....and this attitude is brought on by "leaving Jehovah". People like you and me are typically not heard by witnesses that have doubts. HE is though. HE has a website. HE has a radio show. HE will be heard before you and I ever will. And I truly believe that it is people like him that may actually scare some fence sitters back to the borg because of his outrageous sensationalism.
Now then....I agree it is is just like a shock jock. Rick doesn't care because the more sensational he is.....the more web site visitors and the more listeners he gets. But in the mean time....his actions are undermining the effort of the former JW community to prove that the Borg is wrong. I find him to be similar to Rush Limbaugh in the U.S. Millions listen because he is shocking. He is a very rigid conservative. And the more he opens his yapper, the more he distances himself, his party and his party's candidate from liberals and even those that are indendents. His actions are popular among the hard line conservatives but a major turn off for independents......thus hurting the image of republicans.
Basically, if Rick would shut would help the image of former witnesses as NOT being crazy and filled with angst. Then again...if Rick shuts up....he loses his following. So what's his goal? To gain followers or to expose the Watchtower Society?
Oh. And to answer your question.....PROOF is more important.
Which is why I left the borg. Proof of 587BC outweighs the lovely stories of owning a pet tiger someday
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."
Exactly. What makes Rick any different from the Watchtower Society?