I hope this is n ot a repeat thread. New Year's Day I attended services at a first rate Anglo-Catholic Church. Despite being Episcopal since about the age of 20, this service was so different. Only some of the service was familiar. They refuse to use any actual BCP materials. Only Catholic missals translated from Latin to English through Henry VIII;s orders are used. Wikipedia provided research that in 1549 the Uniformity Act. Henry died, his 5 year old son became king with the Seymours (Reformers) as regents. There would be no local usages anymore. Submit or die. The very Catholic areas of England, Cornwall and Devon, resisted heartily. I believe almost 30,000 lost their lives in policing and pitched battle.
Oh, they worshipped Mary. This was a true shock. I thought Mary is really a cool goddess. My JW gm and father are still in me. I had to stop saying the prayer half way through.
It was entertaining and gave me much room for thought. This month the shrine to King Charles I,martyr, is being rededicated. Charles I was beheaded by strong Puritans.England had no king during Cromwell's lifetime.
I respect the diversity of worship forms in the present church. If anyone has experience with this branch, I'd like to hear other people's opinions.
Oh, a magnificent organ and incense.