Our latest "Gee it's great not to be a JW" moment. Share yours!

by Open mind 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Recently my son had a minor injury that required a trip to the Emergency Room. The admitting nurse asked us a ton of questions and then this:

    Nurse: Do you have a religion?

    (My son looks at me, I look at him, shrug my shoulders, he looks back at the nurse...)

    Son: No.

    You had to be there. It was a very freeing moment.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    When I started to realize that I no longer felt 'funny' wishing others a Merry Christmas, or Happy Birthday, and when all the guilt left and I no longer even 'considered' whether I would hang a flag, say the pledge of allegience, or put up Christmas lights.

    There are many more 'ah ha' moments like that - but the freedom just feels soooooo good, in so many ways.


  • Jim_TX

    I have no qualms about saying... "Bless you!" after someone sneezes.

  • undercover

    They're pretty frequent actually but the last one that made me pause just a second and soak up the moment was Saturday at midnight.

    We (wife and I) were at a New Year's Eve party and helped hand out champagne and party favors, counted down to midnight and shouted "Happy New Year!" and kissed. I'm not a sentimentalist or anything and don't really care about holidays in general, but it was so cool to be caught up in the moment and having fun instead of worrying about avoiding celebrating such an evil, worldly event.

    Like you said, you kinda gotta be there. It's one of those moments when realize it was worth the effort to release the bonds...especially when you've brought someone (not so free of the WT think as us) along for the ride.

  • yourmomma

    funny, this just happened to me. my wife, and i went to a gymboree art class with my young son (less than 2) and about 20 mins in, the teacher asks if we had a good christmas. and instead of the awkward pause and trying to come up with a way to not sound crazy, we said yes, and discussed all the family time and presents he got.

    that was very freeing.

  • besunny

    I can say lucky without feeling bad,,and we got to go to a Journey/Night Ranger/Foreigner concert without guilt

  • flipper

    My wife and I have many " R " rated movies which have great storylines . In fact- many " R " rated movies are much more interesting than PG-13 movies. They get deeper into important lessons in life. Also- 2 months ago - I am finally learning to play guitar ! At age 52 ! Never had time for it as a JW even though I've been told I have a half a$$ decent singing voice. I have even written my first 2 songs ! Song # 1 is entitled " Mind Control " and song # 2 is entitled " Sweet is the Freedom " ! Wonder where THOSE titles came from ?? but I'm having fun with it. I never had time for REAL fun or hobbies in my 44 years in the JW cult. Freedom IS sweet ! And so is escaping from mind control

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I just realized I can read the Harry Potter books without guilt. And go to Universal Studios and ride the Harry Potter rides.

  • mamamo

    Openly buying whatever book I want to at the book store. Seeing any movie at the theater, etc.

    Finally Awake

    Enjoy the books and the Wizarding World. It provided me the goal to lose weight before they made it so more people can fit on the ride. Really funny in 90 degree weather to see the buildings with "snow" and all the tourists running around in wizard robes.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks everyone. Lots of great moments of freedom here.

    Just want to say a hearty WELCOME!!! to besunny and finally awake. Seems that new posters come in waves around here.

    Also, Mr. flipper said: "I've been told I have a half a$$ decent singing voice."

    I've never heard him sing, but if anyone here ever gets the chance to talk to him on the phone or in real life, flipper's got a fantastic speaking voice. Hell, I'd almost listen to him read the Watchtower. OK, maybe that's going a bit too far. Anyway, flipper's voice reminds me of the nararator on the old Disney nature films from the 60s & 70s. I did a little googling and the guy's name was Rex Allen. His voice has a little more country twang than flipper's and flipper's voice is a bit deeper. But there is a definite similarity, IMO.


    I'm curious if Mrs. Flipper agrees.


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