Talk about patting yourself on the back!! Sounds like Rutherford had severe "I" trouble.....13 I's in that one paragraph alone! I guess one could remain in good standing without going d-t-d if you can baffle them with your b*llsh*t.
Can you be a JW in good standing and NOT go door to door?
by Terry 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I heard a JW urban myth years ago, that Pres Nathan Knorr was being driven past GC station and he spotted a Bro there selling the WT and Awk mags
he is supposed to have said "That's good to see " and the bro with him said "Yea, but we simply cannot get the guy to go DtoD as he should"
Knorr asked "How many mags does he shift?" the reply, "Oh, 2 or 3 hundred a month "
Knorr said "Leave him there".
It may even be true, Knorr was a business man, and they charged for the mags back then.
from the March 1st tower 2012 - Just sayin
Who Fit the Pattern Today? "The church's failure to take preaching and teaching seriously is one reason for the general spiritualmalaise of today," writes Anglican priest DavidWatson.
In his bookWhy Are the Catholics Leaving? Jose Luis Perez Guadalupe wrote about the activities of Evangelicals, Adventists, and others and observed that "they do
not go from house to house." Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, he wrote: "They go systematically fromhouse to house." -
Rutherford was self a made business man of sorts and lived the life of a prosperous one at that.
The WTS publishing company was his business to use and exploit after clutching it away from others.
He most likely was aware of the wealth contained in the WTS. for Russell had used him for legal purposes in handling the WTS. business affairs.
He was also a man that was more devoted to himself, writing and publishing literature that postured himself up as a
great public savior. The power of the press or the written word, was his vehicle of exploitation and he used it proficiently as possible.
Was the WTS's own doctrines developed to proliferate the circulation of literature and to lure people toward the organization so they
may be used and exploited to circulate the WTS's literature ? ...... of course !
In JW land there is a distinction made between "exemplary" and "good standing". If I remember correctly, (correct me if wrong) good standing simply means a babtised person is not publicly or privately under reproof or restrictions by the BOE. Therefore he/she can comment and engage in FS and TMS. As long as a person reports SOME time each month(15 min.) he is in good standing. Miss a month=irregular. Miss 6 consecutive months=inactive. No longer counted as a pub.
To qualify for additional "priveledges" such as a demonstration at the service meeting, pioneering, carring mikes, etc. a person must be considered "exemplary" by the BOE.This is a higher standard and requires reporting at least the cong average of FS, some of which would be expected to be D2D. Consider this: if the congregation average is 7 hrs., a person could spend ONLY 2 hrs a mo. D2D, and 1 hr informal witnessing, and the remaining 4 hrs.on the family study. Bada Bing....EXEMPLARY!!!!!
I knew an elder, who did very little in field service. But, to his credit, he had done his time...literally. He spent time in federal prison for adhering to WT law. He was a young JW during Rutherford's time and suffered the persecution that many of that time period suffered. By the time he was an older elder, he was tired and wore out. He liked to drive in service, but rarely got out of the car.
I knew another brother who went out once every few months. But he was at every meeting, answered, read, gave talks. His wife pioneered, his kids aux. pioneered in the summers. He was considered in good standing.
Only if you are very old and unable physically.
Last couple times I was at my mom's house she had all the literature laid out on her very large coffee table in the living room. Reminded me of a display in a store. I guess that is her way of doing incidental witnessing in case some non-JW came by and if the elders or other JWs stop by then she looks very faithful.
Another point that has been alluded to here is that even if a person is NEVER EVER seen in FS of any kind, only the elders would know what he REPORTS. It is an honor system of reporting. Many here have admitted to "embellishing" their hrs. The Borg puts so much PRESSURE to report hrs. the humanity and integrity is secondary. It's about LOOKING good not BEING good.
3rdgen - 15 minutes is reserved only for those that because of age, illness or some special circumstance cannot do more. And I think it shows the importance of doing some form of "preaching".
Time on a slip is required for membership in the organization that can ensure your salvation. And said salvation is achieved by that effort whatever it is.
But I can tell you from experience that it depends on who you are, where you are (the congregation you attend) and a few other miscellaneous criteria as to the answer to the question posed.
made me remember what someone said one time... it knida fitting,
if you don't have money you only want to make some friends, if you have money you only want to get rid of some friends.