Apostates are to be "LOATHED"...

by Lied2NoMore 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lied2NoMore

    This weekend assy first day thankfully OVER! Had a good laugh at arrogant prick DO last talk saying apostates are to be "loathed" and used a scripture in Psalms that simply had the word "loathe" in it to support his weak point. Im gonna happen by him tomorrow and tell him his final talk had such an impact on me I tore out Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of solomon out of my Bible cause those books were written by an apostate. Then watch his face.

    What an ass............

  • N.drew

    loathe /loT?H/
    Feel intense dislike or disgust for.
    Synonyms:detest - abhor - abominate - execrate - dislike

    Oh well.

  • cptkirk

    make sure you tell him thanks for me....the more hate they spread, the more power i acquire. and then you ask, well if that is true, why would you announce it on this web forum? because i have insight, and i'm quite familiar with the path this organization is on (not personal,no, ie. study history) and once you recognize their path, you realize it's a one way flight. how many times were the so called lands of god destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed, occupied, destroyed, rebuilt? this baby is going to be destroyed....in some ways i really do feel sorry for them...but in other ways i ask myself...when you set yourself up as god's voice....thats a hella responsibility...and then, the absolute arrogance they display, and then the misguided nonsense they demand their followers to adhere to....well? do you feel sorry for them?

    these people demand absolutes, unfortunately there are no absolutes for human beings....it's good treatment for the mentally retarded at least. how many witnesses you think are on psych drugs , 75% ?

    we are mentally diseased is it? ok we are mentally diseased, and you all are mentally retarded....if those are my 2 choices, i'll actually go with the diseased....at least the diseased can maintain skill, and reasoning ability, comprehension, etc.

  • thetrueone

    I think loathing is synonymous with the JWS, the general public loathes them coming to their doors proselytizing their religion

    and ex-jws loath the WTS/JWS organization for bullshitting and lying to them in a attempt to lure them toward the organization..

  • Lied2NoMore

    i suspect he will ask my name or who i am...i will say,,,Ray Franz...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Evidently credit/debit/money-changing machines in the assembly halls are not to be loathed, eh?

  • cyberjesus

    Jesus was an apostate, so was Paul.

    Hell most christians from the first century were.

  • steve2

    I understand that the loathing will become so strong and widespread that the JWs plentiful credit card machines will have a chip installed that will detect that the card holder is an apostate and roundly reject apostates attempts to make financial donations. Not.

  • sizemik

    They can loathe me I don't care . . .

    The majority of JW's I befriended had a loathing for me anyway on some level. In all honesty ... I loathed a good many of them. Plenty of JW's loathe each other. They loathe the world, satan, false religion . . . you name it. They swim in a sea of loathing . . . kind of like a spiritual primordial soup. Poor pitiable bunch of loathing losers . . . loathe on!

  • avengers

    He probably has forgotten that not the "apostates", but the WT self
    slept with the "Wild Beast". Remember the Alamo; uh I mean remember the UN?

    It was also the WT which got fined for contamination of their own property.
    Jehovah shall ruin those who ruin the earth.

    Also, it was the WT, not the "apostates" who had a deal with the Navy.

    Who then is the real apostate that has to be loathed?

    Andy, of the disgusted at the WT class.

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