make sure you tell him thanks for me....the more hate they spread, the more power i acquire. and then you ask, well if that is true, why would you announce it on this web forum? because i have insight, and i'm quite familiar with the path this organization is on (not personal,no, ie. study history) and once you recognize their path, you realize it's a one way flight. how many times were the so called lands of god destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed, occupied, destroyed, rebuilt? this baby is going to be some ways i really do feel sorry for them...but in other ways i ask myself...when you set yourself up as god's voice....thats a hella responsibility...and then, the absolute arrogance they display, and then the misguided nonsense they demand their followers to adhere to....well? do you feel sorry for them?
these people demand absolutes, unfortunately there are no absolutes for human's good treatment for the mentally retarded at least. how many witnesses you think are on psych drugs , 75% ?
we are mentally diseased is it? ok we are mentally diseased, and you all are mentally retarded....if those are my 2 choices, i'll actually go with the least the diseased can maintain skill, and reasoning ability, comprehension, etc.