You can have this very empty word: god and it not mean anything at all.
Then, somebody comes along and pumps it full of "meaning" : all-powerful, all-knowing, Just, Loving, Wise, purposeful, forgiving, wrathful, jealous, etc.
Somebody else comes along with different "meaning": ineffable, mysterious, mystical, unpredictable, etc.
Somebody else comes along with yet "other" meanings: multiple-personality disorder, whimsical, mortal/immortal, etc.
Now you have some choices. But, those choices are limited to--what? OPINIONS AVAILABLE TO CHOOSE FROM.
God has meant countless numbers of things to countless peoples, tribes, nations, beliefs.
Ready for Terry's handy quote for the day?
Granting "existence" to god is merely inflating your own OPINION with beingness so that you can affirm your own ideas.
St.Anselm proved God's existence doing this very thing!!
Anselm defined his belief in the existence of God using the phrase "that than which nothing greater can be conceived".
He reasoned that, if "that than which nothing greater can be conceived" existed only in the intellect, it would not be "that than which nothing greater can be conceived", since it can be thought to exist in reality, which is greater.
It follows, according to Anselm, that " that than which nothing greater can be conceived " must exist in reality .