Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-08-2012 WT Study (WALK SPIRIT)

by blondie 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-08-2012 WT Study (NOVEMBER 15, 2011, pages 10-14)(WALK SPIRIT)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be indented and identified

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


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    WT child abuse

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    United Nations

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    “ Walk, not in accord with the flesh, but in accord

    with the spirit.”—ROM. 8:4


    What does the WTS say is a gross sin? What is the punishment for nonrepentant jws?


    1, 2. (a) What serious situation has resulted

    from a person’s being distracted while driving?

    (b) What danger can result from being distracted


    “DISTRACTED driving is an epidemic and

    it seems to be getting worse every

    year.” That was the assessment of the U.S.

    secretary of transportation. Cell phones are

    among the devices that can distract the motorist

    from the one thing he or she is supposed

    to be doing—driving. Over one third

    of the people interviewed in one survey said

    that they had been hit or nearly hit by a vehicle with

    a driver using a cell phone. Multitasking

    while driving may seem to be expedient,

    but the result can be disastrous.


    So where did the WTS get this survey, what year? Does this mean drivers were not distracted pre-cellphones?

    “one survey” who conducted, and when?

    2 The same could be true of our spiritual

    well-being. Just as a distracted driver often

    fails to notice signs of danger, a person who

    is distracted spiritually can easily fall into

    harm’s way. If we allow ourselves to drift

    away from our Christian course and theocratic

    activities, the result could be the shipwreck

    of our faith. (1 Tim. 1:18, 19) The

    apostle Paul warned of this danger when he

    cautioned his fellow Christians in Rome:

    “The minding of the flesh means death, but

    the minding of the spirit means life and

    peace.” (Rom. 8:6) What did Paul mean by

    that? How can we avoid “the minding of the

    flesh” and pursue “the minding of the



    What about jws that fail to notice the signs of dangers of pedophiles in their midst because the elders and the WTS conceal the problem?

    “our Christian course” attending 5 meetings/2 days a week, full share of preaching = 10 hours a month, conduct a family inquisition once a week 1 to 4 hours a week. How many hours do jws spending reading the Bible compared to reading WTS publications?

    “the minding of the flesh means death” and not minding the flesh by a minimum of healthy food, clean water, restful sleep….without those things death will ensure.

    They “Have No Condemnation”

    3, 4. (a) What personal struggle did Paul write

    about? (b)Why should we be interested in Paul’s situation?

    3 In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote

    about a struggle he himself experienced—a

    conflict between his flesh and his mind.

    (Read Romans 7:21-23.) Paul was not indulging

    in self-justification or self-pity, as

    though he were so heavily laden with sin

    that he could not help himself. After all,

    he was a mature, spirit-anointed Christian,

    chosen to be “an apostle to the nations.”

    (Rom.1:1; 11:13) Why, then, did Paul write

    about his personal struggle?


    “though he were so heavily laden with sin

    that he could not help himself.”—this is the key phrase

    Remember how often the WTS/GB/FDS/elders excuse their sins because they are “imperfect”? Remember this gems?

    *** w103/15p.13par.14***

    Thus, you need to respect the way Jesus directs those dedicated to Jehovah. Christ is using imperfect humans in the local congregation, particularly the spiritually older men, the appointed elders. The provision of having such men appointed is “with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, . . . for the building up of the body of the Christ.” (Eph. 4:11, 12) Even if an imperfect human makes a mistake, Jesus as King of the heavenly Kingdom is able to handle the matter in his time and way. Do you believe that?

    *** w10 12/15 p.20par. 20***

    The “gifts in men” also include members of Branch Committees, traveling overseers, and congregation elders—all of whom have been appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) …Granted, like the rest of us, they are imperfect. Still, we bless ourselves when we respond appreciatively to their loving shepherding.—Heb. 13:7, 17.

    *** w09 10/15 pp.16-17 par.18***

    At times, we may find it a challenge to obey the Bible-based direction given to us by the local elders. We are likely aware of their imperfections, and this may distort our view of their counsel. Still, Christ, the Head of the congregation, is pleased to use these imperfect men. Therefore, the way we react to their authority directly influences our friendship with Christ. When we overlook the faults of the elders and joyfully follow their direction, we prove our love for Christ.

    4 Paul was honestly acknowledging that

    on his own, he was incapable of doing

    God’s will to the extent that he himself desired.

    The reason? “All have sinned and fall

    short of the glory of God,” he said. (Rom. 3:

    23) As a descendant of Adam, Paul was subject

    to the effects of sin on the imperfect

    flesh. We can relate to him because all of us

    are imperfect and have to face similar struggles

    every day. Moreover, there are many

    distractions that could divert our attention

    and take us off ‘the cramped road leading

    into life.’ (Matt. 7:14) However, the situation

    was not hopeless for Paul, and it is not

    for us.


    But then here they pull out the “imperfect” clause………

    Distractions—as defined by the WTS/GB/FDS

    Are all distractions bad? Did the Levites have time for other things, such as providing materially for their family, drawing close in family love,... The Levites only served 2 weeks a year. Are jws not to have spouses, children, because Paul did not? The WTS even pointed out that Noah’s sons and daughter-in-laws did not have children before the flood. Is that a model for jws today?

    As temple workers, David re-organized the Levites’ work schedules under his political authority. Levites served in 24 divisions, each serving at the temple only a week at a time, or about two weeks per year (1 Chron. 24 all; Luke 1:5-6)

    *** w00 8/1 p.21***

    Ours is a period similar to the time when Noah and his family constructed the gigantic ark that preserved them through the great Flood. (Genesis 6:13-16; Matthew 24:37) Although Noah’s three sons were all married, none fathered children until after the Deluge. One reason for that may have been that these couples wanted to devote their full attention and energy to the work at hand. Another may have been reluctance to bring children into a debased and violent world where “the badness of man was abundant . . . and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.”—Genesis 6:5.

    While this does not imply that it is wrong to have children today , many Christian couples decline to have children so as to become more fully involved in the urgent work that Jehovah has given his people to do. Some couples have waited for a time before having children; others have decided to remain childless and consider the possibility of bearing children in Jehovah’s righteous new world. Is this shortsighted? Are they missing out on life? Are they to be pitied?

    5. Where did Paul find help and relief?

    5 Paul wrote: “Who will rescue me . . . ?

    Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our

    Lord!” (Rom. 7:24, 25) Then, he addressed

    those “in union with Christ Jesus”—anointed

    Christians. (Read Romans 8:1, 2.) By

    means of his holy spirit, Jehovah adopts

    them as sons, calling them to be “joint heirs

    with Christ.” (Rom. 8:14-17) God’s spirit,

    coupled with their faith in Christ’s ransom

    sacrifice, enables them to come off victorious

    in the struggle that Paul described and

    thus “have no condemnation.” They are set

    free “from the law of sin and of death.”


    How many non-anointed jws realize that they are not “sons of God” that their adoption does not take place until the end of the 1,000 year reign per the WTS? Since the “other sheep” do not become legitimate sons until then, they must be bastard sons until then. The WTS even says that God is at best their “grandfather” and Jesus their father. If you read the old WTS publications, you will see often the anointed referred to Jesus as an older brother, not a father.

    *** w10 1/15 p.5***

    Jesus’ “other sheep” will not become sons of God until the end of the thousand years. However, since they have dedicated themselves to God, they can properly address God as “Father” and can rightly be considered members of Jehovah’s family of worshippers.—John 10:16; Isa. 64:8; Matt. 6:9; Rev. 20:5.

    *** w53 4/15 p.249 par.10***

    With all prospects of life resting on God’s provisions, other Christians of good will, associated with those who are in the new covenant, properly address him as their Father, because he is to be their Grandfather through the Everlasting Father, Christ Jesus.—John 10:16, NW; Isa. 9:6, AS.

    6. Why should all of God’s servants take note of

    Paul’s words?

    6 While Paul’s remarks were addressed to

    anointed Christians, what he said about

    God’s spirit and Christ’s ransom sacrifice

    can benefit all servants of Jehovah regardless

    of the hope they entertain. Although

    Paul was inspired to offer such counsel to

    anointed Christians, it is vital that all servants

    of God understand what he wrote and

    endeavor to benefit from it.


    Yes, the OT is addressed to anointed Christians (only anointed jws)(others are merely “so-called” or “professed” Christians)

    Servants of Jehovah; servants of God = only jws = not Christians as Acts 11:26 says or witnesses of Jesus as Jesus said at Acts 1:8

    How God “Condemned Sin in the Flesh”

    7, 8. (a) In what sense was the Law “weak through

    the flesh”? (b) What has God accomplished by

    means of his spirit and the ransom?

    7 In the 7th chapter of Romans, Paul acknowledged

    the power of sin on the imperfect

    flesh. In the 8th chapter, he commented

    on the power of holy spirit. The apostle

    explained how God’s spirit can help Christians

    in their struggle against the power of

    sin so that they can live in harmony with Jehovah’s

    will and gain his approval. Paul

    pointed out that by means of God’s spirit

    and the ransom sacrifice of his Son, God has

    accomplished something that the Mosaic

    Law could not.


    How does holy spirit operate; how can you tell?

    In harmony with God’s will or God’s will as interpreted by the WTS/GB/FDS?

    Page 12: Pictures show that instead of reading the newspaper, the man should read the day’s text with his family—a past discussion/explanation of one scripture by the WTS; they don’t even have their bibles out.

    Shows a man not witnessing to a coworker at lunch…but then he does in the second. So how many times did you “take the initiative” to talk to a coworker in a situation he would find hard to walk away from?

    Third picture shows the mother only talking to her daughter in a family study…next picture shows father involved. I can tell you that there were many men in the congregation that never studied with children, even many elders. Their jobs were on the road and they even missed many meetings, but they were excused. I knew some children that felt when their father approached them, it was only to yell at them.

    8 The Law, with its many commandments,

    condemned sinners. Moreover,

    Israel ’s high priests serving under the Law

    were imperfect and could not offer an adequate

    sacrifice for sin. Hence, the Law was

    “weak through the flesh.” But “by sending

    his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh”

    and offering him as a ransom, God “condemned

    sin in the flesh,” thus overcoming

    the “incapability on the part of the Law.” As

    a result, anointed Christians are counted

    righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus’

    ransom sacrifice. They are urged to “walk,

    not in accord with the flesh, but in accord

    with the spirit.” (Read Romans 8:3, 4.) Indeed,

    they must do so faithfully to the end

    of their earthly course in order to be granted

    “the crown of life.”—Rev. 2:10.


    The Law condemns…the WTS determines who is holy and who is not

    Why can non-anointed jws not be “counted righteous on the basis of their faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice per the WTS? They can only be declared righteous as “friends” not “sons” and have to wait until the end of the 1,000 year reign to be adopted as such. Does that mean they don’t have faith based on the ransom sacrifice of Christ?

    9. What is the meaning of the word “law” as used at Romans 8:2?

    9 In addition to “the Law,” Paul mentioned

    “the law of that spirit” and “the law

    of sin and of death.” (Rom. 8:2) What are

    these laws? The word “law” here does not refer

    to certain rules, such as those in the Mosaic

    Law. One reference work suggests: “The

    Greek term for law here means an inward

    principle of action—either good or evil—operating

    with the regularity of a law. The

    term also designates a standard for a person’s



    What reference work?

    Strong's #3551: The Greek term for law here means an inward principle of action —either good or evil—operating with the regularity of a law.

    Is the WTS afraid that jws will add Strong’s Concordance to their library? The congregation I last went to had a copy in the KH library. Is the WTS Concordance deficient?

    10. How are we subject to the law of sin and of death?

    10 The apostle Paul wrote: “Through one

    man sin entered into the world and death

    through sin, and thus death spread to all

    men because they had all sinned.” (Rom. 5:

    12) As descendants of Adam, all of us are

    subject to the law of sin and of death. Our

    sinful flesh constantly urges us to do things

    that are displeasing to God, with only death

    in view. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul

    called such acts and traits “the works of the

    flesh.” Then he added: “Those who practice

    such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.”

    (Gal. 5:19-21) People of this kind are

    the same as those who walk in accord with

    the flesh. (Rom. 8:4) Their “inward principle

    of action” and their ‘standard for life’

    are totally fleshly. But are those who commit

    fornication, engage in idolatry, practice

    spiritism, or get involved in other gross sins

    the only ones who walk in accord with the

    flesh? No, for the works of the flesh also include

    what some might consider mere personality

    flaws, such as jealousy, fits of anger,

    contentions, and envies. Who can say that

    he has totally freed himself from walking in

    accord with the flesh?


    What is a gross sin per the WTS? Supposedly sins you could be df’d for; sins that were capital offenses (punishment by death) in the OT. Can you name them? Be assured that somewhere the WTS has and keeps updating it for the elders.

    Personality flaws---who has been df’d for those things?

    Do you walk in accord with the flesh or in accord with the spirit?

    Page 13 pictures

    Father watching TV without including family/then daughter is gone/then he sleeps (no bible)

    Father studies with wife and child; talks meaningful with wife; reads bible (or WTS pub) before going to sleep

    I definitely get the idea that men are not “taking the lead” in their families. I can think of 10 divorces due to elder husbands having no time or taking no time to spend with their families; 3 wives left for other men; none of the children are jws today; and half the men have just remarried and repeated the previous actions.

    11, 12. What provision has Jehovah made to help

    us overcome the law of sin and of death, and what

    must we do to enjoy God’s favor?

    11 How happy we can be that Jehovah has

    made it possible for us to overcome the

    law of sin and of death! Jesus said: “God

    loved the world so much that he gave

    his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone

    exercising faith in him might not be

    destroyed but have everlasting life.” By accepting God’s

    love and by exercising faith in

    the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can

    be freed from the condemnation resulting

    from our inherited sin. (John 3:16-18) We

    may, therefore, be inclined to exclaim, as

    did Paul: “Thanks to God through Jesus

    Christ our Lord!”


    Can non-anointed jws exercise faith but not be sons of God?

    WTS Carrot = everlasting life on earth (they are looking only for non-anointed; they must be in consternation at the big increase in “partakers” each year.

    12 Our situation is similar to being cured

    of a serious illness. If we hope to recover fully,

    we must do what the doctor tells us to do.

    Though exercising faith in the ransom can

    free us from the law of sin and of death, we

    are still imperfect and sinful. More is involved

    in attaining good spiritual health

    and enjoying God’s favor and blessing. In

    connection with fulfilling “the righteous requirement

    of the Law,” Paul also brings out

    the matter of walking in accord with the



    Who is the doctor? The WTS/GB/FDS?

    Men pleasers or God pleasers?

    (Colossians 3:23-24) . . .Whatever YOU are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men, 24 for YOU know that it is from Jehovah YOU will receive the due reward of the inheritance. SLAVE for the Master, Christ.

    Walk in Accord With the Spirit—How?

    13. What does it mean to walk in accord with the


    13 When we walk, we are moving progressively

    toward a certain destination or goal.

    Thus, walking in accord with the spirit calls

    for steady spiritual advancement—not spiritual

    perfection. (1 Tim. 4:15) Day by day and

    to the best of our ability, we must endeavor

    to walk, or live our lives, in accord with the

    leading of the spirit. “Walking by spirit”

    leads to God’s approval.—Gal. 5:16.


    Progressively – weasel word for the light gets brighter

    Flip flop doctrines are progressive?

    1879 to 1929 = Superior authorities, secular governments

    1929 to 1962 = Superior authorities, God and Jesus

    1962 to now = Superior authorities, back to secular governments

    Sodom and Gomorrah = resurrected to earth or not

    Organ Transplants

    To 1967 = personal choice

    1967 to 1980 = df’ing offense the same as cannibalism

    1980 to now = personal choice

    (If you have lived between 1967 and 1980, your death or a loved one was a reality)

    Who decides what is our best—men or God?

    Jesus approval?

    14. What is the inclination of those “in accord with

    the flesh”?

    14 In his letter to the Romans, Paul next

    spoke of two kinds of people with conflicting mind-

    sets. (Read Romans 8:5.) Here the

    flesh is not necessarily the physical body. In

    the Bible, the word “flesh” is sometimes

    used to denote the sinful and imperfect nature

    of the fallen flesh. This nature is what

    causes the conflict between the flesh and the

    mind that Paul mentioned earlier. Unlike

    him, however, those who “are in accord

    with the flesh” do not even put up a fight.

    Instead of considering what God requires of

    them and accepting the help he has provided,

    they are inclined to “set their minds on

    the things of the flesh.” They often focus on

    the satisfying of their bodily comforts and

    physical desires. In contrast, the inclination

    of those who are “in accord with the spirit”

    is to set their minds on “the things of the

    spirit”—spiritual provisions and activity.


    So where in some bible dictionary does it say that the word “flesh” is sometimes used to denote the sinful and imperfect nature of the fallen flesh? Do we just take their word for it?

    So when does it eating become a comfort rather than a necessity? Or sleeping in a warm place rather than getting frostbite or hypothermia?

    15, 16. (a) How does setting one’s mind on something

    affect one’s mental attitude? (b) What can we

    say about the mind-set of most people today?

    15 Read Romans 8:6. To do anything

    —whether it is good or bad—one must set

    one’s mind on it. People who constantly set

    their minds on the things of the flesh soon

    develop a mental attitude or inclination

    that is totally focused on the things of the

    flesh. Their sentiments, interests, and affections

    usually become completely occupied

    with such things.


    Yes, starving and freezing people will be able to have the right attitude.

    It is interesting that the WTS has to direct the conductor and the audience as to which scriptures must be read…how many jws look up the scriptures ahead of time (few know them by heart even at 30 years in the publications). The paragraph used to be read after the questions were asked and answered, as a summary. But the conductors and the CO’s would see that when the question was asked, people were reading the paragraph and few raised their hands…no pre-study there.

    *** w77 2/1 p.96***

    Elders who preside at the weekly Watchtower study, as well as those who conduct the congregation book studies, are anxious to teach in the most effective and helpful way. (Rom. 12:8; 2 Tim. 4:2) Moreover, all in the congregation desire to make the most of opportunities for taking in spiritual nourishment so that they may attain to “accurate knowledge and full discernment” of the truth.—Phil. 1:9.

    With this in mind, we recommend to all congregations the following order of study: (1) Read the paragraph in The Watchtower (or other publication); (2) Read the question thereon; (3) Call on those raising their hands for answers, discussing fully the paragraph and supporting scriptures.

    There should be a number of advantages in reading the paragraphs before they are discussed. This will quickly refresh the minds of all who have studied over the lesson in advance, and in the event some have not been able to do this previous to the meeting, the reading will at least familiarize them with the material before it is discussed. Everyone will be encouraged to concentrate on the reading, rather than look ahead for the answer in the next paragraph. Those who are shy, or who are slow in organizing their thoughts, will be able to prepare better to put their words together and so gain confidence to raise their hands. There should be freer participation and fuller discussion of the finer details of the study, with emphasis on the application of key scriptures before passing on to the reading of the next paragraph.

    This new arrangement should be a blessing to all of God’s people, as they seek to “be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, in order to walk worthily of Jehovah.”—Col. 1:9, 10.

    16 With what things are most people occupied

    today? The apostle John wrote:

    “Everything in the world—the desire of the

    flesh and the desire of the eyes and the

    showy display of one’s means of life—does

    not originate with the Father, but originates

    with the world.” (1 John 2:16) These desires

    involve such things as promiscuity, prominence,

    and possessions. Books, magazines,

    newspapers, movies, TV shows, and the Internet

    are flooded with material of this sort,

    primarily because that is what most people

    set their minds on and really want.

    However, “the minding of the flesh means

    death”—spiritually now and physically in

    the near future. Why? “Because the minding

    of the flesh means enmity with God, for

    it is not under subjection to the law of God,

    nor, in fact, can it be. So those who are

    in harmony with the flesh cannot please

    God.”—Rom. 8:7, 8.


    Most people = all but jws; yes jws are the only people who are not promiscuous, wanting prominence (except “reaching out” to be so in the KH); I’m surprised the WTS does not forbid all non-wts reading material, movies, tv shows and internet websites.

    The 3 P’s = promiscuity, prominence, possessions

    NEAR FUTURE = The WTS has been waiting and adjusting since 1879, 133 years

    17, 18. How can we pursue the minding of the spirit,

    and what will be the result of our doing so?

    17 On the other hand, “the minding of

    the spirit means life and peace”—everlasting

    life in the future as well as inner peace and

    peace with God now. How can we pursue

    “the minding of the spirit”? By regularly setting

    our minds on the things of the spirit

    and allowing a spiritual inclination and attitude

    to develop in us. As we do this, we have

    a mind-set that is “under subjection to the

    law of God” and is “in harmony with” his

    thoughts. When we are faced with a temptation,

    we will not be uncertain about the

    course we should pursue. We will be moved

    to make the correct choice—one that is in

    accord with the spirit.


    Everlasting life in the future, what happened to the NEAR future?

    Jws are uncertain because the WTS is always clarifying and adjusting their beliefs, many don’t understand the “new” information, so run to the elders to tell them what to do. After all, whatever they tell you must be from God and you are safe; “God I did it because the elders said I must and you anointed them.”

    18 Therefore, it is vital to set our minds on

    the things of the spirit. We do this by ‘bracing

    up our minds for activity,’ building

    our life around a spiritual routine that includes

    regular prayer, Bible reading and

    study, meeting attendance, and the Christian

    ministry. (1 Pet. 1:13) Rather than allowing

    the things of the flesh to distract us,

    let us set our minds on the things of the

    spirit. Thus we will go on walking in accord

    with the spirit. Doing so will bring us blessings,

    for the minding of the spirit means life

    and peace.—Gal. 6:7, 8.


    I’m surprised the WTS didn’t use the opportunity to add “donating to the WTS” as part of their spiritual routine. Using your money for “things of the flesh” would mean you won’t have money “ for the things of the spirit” = WTS.

    Can You Explain?

    What was the “incapability on the

    part of the Law,” and how did God

    overcome it?

    What is “the law of sin and of death,”

    and how can we be freed from it?

    What must we do to cultivate “the

    minding of the spirit”?


    This was a bland article; like any are spicy. Next week, “TEMPORARY RESIDENTS” IN A WICKED WORLD.

    I wonder what non-jws think when the realize that the WTS and its members teach that they are all wicked and soon to die unless they become baptized jws.

    Love, Blondie

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


  • ziddina

    WHAT is with the Watchtower Corporation's Writing Department and their obsession with vehicular safety???

    Can't they come up with ANY other relevant illustrations???

  • scary21

    Thanks again meaty lol

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yeah, pretty vanilla study this week. No spicy porn stuff, just 'promiscuity.'

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Thanks for the review Blondie.

    LOL Zid.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Blondie I noticed another inconsistency in WT doctrine regarding how Elders are appointed in the congregations. Your reference quote for par 3 & 4 reads:

    ***w10 12/15 p.20par. 20***

    The “gifts in men” also include members of Branch Committees, traveling overseers, and congregation elders—all of whom have been appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) …Granted, like the rest of us, they are imperfect. Still, we bless ourselves when we respond appreciatively to their loving shepherding.—Heb. 13:7, 17.

    Yet, the “Bearing Thorough Witness” book on page 19 par 22 says this as to how Elders are appointed:

    “…..To this day, responsible men are selected to serve as overseers in the congregations. The elders carefully consider the Scriptural qualifications required of such overseers, and they pray for the guidance of holy spirit. The congregation thus views such men as appointed by holy spirit. ……”

    That earthly simple!

    So the question is can the rank and file trust and have confidence that the elders are truly appointed by holy spirit? According to the wording of the BTW book, I think not. They are apparently selected by a popular vote by the elders much like when you join a mens’ club. If you’re liked you’re in and if you’re not liked you’re out. Holy spirit plays a very minor role in the selection process according to the BTW book.

    This explains why the WTBTS is laden with many problems today!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My grandparents "minded the spirit" and were told that it was God's promise that they would never die, and yet they're very much dead. Since much of what they believed was "old light", false WT prophecies, and would now be considered "apostate", how can I expect them to have any future life?

    I spent most of my life "minding the spirit" as directed by Watchtower Corporation, yet was depressed and frustrated as I saw them move the armageddon goalposts further and further into the future as I put my life on hold for a panda-petting paradise that never has and never will arrive.

    Now that I'm inactive, they expect that I'm becoming an alcoholic, drug-abusing, sex manic. Once again, they are false prophets. I actually drink less alcohol than when I was in Bethel, and I'm certainly not using drugs. As for the other part, I don't kiss and tell .

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    They are too much gb is the doctor you have a disease so you need to listen to the doctor unbelievable. The other crazy point is listing books, magazines, movies, tv programs and the internet as evil because if you engage in those evil works you might learn something and that would be terrible. You might find out this isn't the truth

  • WTWizard

    Distractions? I believe that the Washtowel religion is the distraction. Not being "part of the world", wasting too much time reading the Washtowel and Asleep! rags, spending time in field circus, and being misled about world conditions is a distraction. We are nearing a period where the dollar doesn't buy anything (hence, the toilet paper), an energy crisis is coming (if Iran closes off the strait, we will have one), and freedom is being destroyed. People need to pay attention to that. But, if they are wasting time paying attention to Jehovah, they are as good as texting (while drink driving).

    You cannot adjust your financial situation or learn a skill while out in field circus. The washtowel rags are not good for investment advice--you cannot buy gold and silver by heeding their advice. You cannot be preparing for the energy crisis by driving more to the boasting session when you should be online ordering rechargeable batteries, replacing incandescent light bulbs with CFL (or, better, LED) light bulbs, and getting that furnace tuned up so it will be more efficient. Are you at least looking at the possibility that you might need to leave your country? Perhaps learning what you need to do in order to expedite the process, or learning a trade so you can start a business there? Not if you are spending all your time at boasting sessions at Kingdumb and A$$embly Hells.

    While the TV is a lousy source for objective unbiased news, it is a hell of a lot better than a washtowel or asleep rag. The Internet is a lot better still, and runs circles around those washtowels. When I clicked onto my first apostate web site, I realized that I had been "distracted and drink driving" spiritually. And, once I quit that distraction, I "sobered up" and started paying attention, getting new bearings--while it might not save my life or lead to salvation, at least it gives me some chance of being able to live in peace a while longer. Which is better than no chance.

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