Having been lied to for such a long time by the WT whom I trusted, about what is true, and what I can put faith in, I have decided not to trust anything without proof.
To spend my life hoping for things that will never happen, and not really living in the present to try to realise that hope, is to waste , totally, the one life we are sure we do have, this one.
I will not do that any longer.
Faith is trusting that something is true, with no real proof, that is no longer for me.
Just a side question that may need another thread, to believers like "Tec", why do you think God and or Jesus have granted you faith and not me ? I prayed long and hard for faith, on my knees, to Jesus and to God, ..... nothing.
I am at the point where I cannot see any proof that there is a God. I am now finished with all that, unless proof is forthcoming.