Online Gamers? (FTP)

by Uboat_Ninja 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uboat_Ninja

    Any online gamers here? If so what games you into online? I use to be an Asheron's Call addict. I'm waiting for Shadowbane to consume my life when it comes out as far as MMORPG's go, but in the meantime Medal of Honor is pretty fun online. Kinda like quake but more realistic. If anyone needs a copy lemme know and I'll set up an FTP for ya. Also I dig Ages of Empires, I got AOE2 and the expansion. Once again email if ya need the games, cable, DSL connections or faster only please.

    Won't you visit my dojo?

  • tyydyy

    Everquest is cool.

  • Xander

    Tribes 2 here, although sometimes Age of Empires 2.

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • 2SYN

    Quake 3. Lots. Of. Quake. 3.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • logical


  • Hmmm

    I used to play Ultima Online, and before that, a text-based game called Darkness Falls (where you were a wherewolf, vampire, skeleton, etc... who preyed on villagers)

    I took a few years off from gaming, but lately I've been playing Starcraft online again. I'm waiting for Star Wars: Galaxies to come out. If the beta is fun, I'll probably give that a try.


  • Xander

    Once again email if ya need the games, cable, DSL connections or faster only please.

    Just a thought, since your offering to warez stuff...

    You wouldn't happen to have the latest Watchtower CD, would you? I'd like to verify some stuff I've read, and...uhh...the local kingdom hall doesn't seem interested in ordering one for me [8>]

    I have the 93 (or was is 97?) one now, but would like the newer one (don't recall the year, 99? maybe?)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • bboyneko

    God I'm a gaming freak. I play Tribes, Tribes 2, Starcraft, Unreal Tournament, Counterstrike, and lately

    It is so much fun, I'm hooked to that game. I like being a sniper but in some levels like stalingrad a shotgun or missle launcher seem to work better me thinks.

    Also, I played Ultima Online for a while, it was extremely addicting. In 2 months I bought a castle all by myself, Grand Mastered Mining and Smithing and slayed a Balron and an Ancient Wyvern. After I did all that, I saw little point in playing anymore so I stopped.

    Now I am DYING to play the new mmorpg, Star Wars Galaxies. has anyone seen footage of this game and screenshots? It will be the new standard, blowing everquest and Dark age of camelot out of the water.


    You'll be able to become a Jedi Knight or a dark jedi, a wookie groomer or bounty hunter. It looks very cool. Build your own home, set up perimeter defenses, become mayor of a player run town, run the jail and local to other planets, buy your own starship.

    My name on gamespy is booyneko for medal of honor and im usually playing on western front servers if you ever see me on there.

  • Valis

    Age Of mpires 2 and The Conqueror's Expansion Set

  • zev

    Unreal Tournament

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** **

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