I mean, the 'Watchtower Society'? Was I SERIOUS? Just the NAME connotes some weird, Masonic, secretive organization!
How did we ever fall for this!
by breakfast of champions 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
I mean, the 'Watchtower Society'? Was I SERIOUS? Just the NAME connotes some weird, Masonic, secretive organization!
How did we ever fall for this!
I have often asked myself this?
They dupe you man. They tell you that is the means by which to accomplish the goal of God. It's funny. They tell you serving God is of the utmost importance and that nothing comes between that, then in the next sentence they are telling you that we can only do it through the Society. Make up your mind! Which is it?
We are all looking, when in reality to quote the bible verse "he is never that far off" to begin with. Some of you MAY, have lost a belief in a higher power after the WT experience. Some have found Christ. Some say they have truly found Jehovah. Some simply hate all forms of religion, and discredit their varied tenets. But, for some reason our human brain asks for answers to these types of questions, so there are all always people who are all too eager to fill the void in between our ears, usually setting themselves "on high" along the way.
The reason you trusted them is simply because you are a good person.
You evidentally think you need or want, to please a God. Keep up your search for the connection. This was a learning experience. Just as the last 50 years have been for me. The reality that more than half my life was not for the real truth, is lamentable but perhaps the way to look at things is in this way.
Life and spirituality may be in discovering what it is not! Maybe we learn later on? I don't know? For some simply the brain telling them they know for sure is all they need. I know that acknowledging for one example, the importance of Gobekli Tepe to the history of humanity is profound. I think a supreme being would or should be proud of a person realizing truth, real solid factual happenings, history, art, science, math, the things that relate to reality, rather than the current quote unquote "uptodate" thoughts from some body of men demanding allegiance no matter what.
Bottom line, you are a good person, that is why you trusted someone or something. Keep learning. Dispense with the falsehoods as you learn otherwise, and you'll find what feels right.
My two cents
3rd generation born in who accepted the "reality" I was presented with but saw and experienced much that was wrong and distressing. There was no context or alternative reality to deal with the many red flags until I experienced a spiritual awakening through pursuing the Bible's version of the gospel or "good news" instead.
The funny thing is that i never really did. Guess thats why i'm here. Just loved the people in the congregation. Of course years later i can't get out because my family is in.
I never really trusted the WT as such, I thought that the religion had most things right, but I was always suspiscious of the WT Corporation and the Brooklyn elite, it was almost as though our little congregation was a seperate entity, and we could accept what they asked of us or reject it, I know the reality was different , but that was the way it felt.
Since reading on here I realise that the whole thing is wrong, the religion is riddled with error, and if one thinks of the WT as a bit seperate from the religion, which it isn't in realiy, but the WT is simply an entity that makes money from the religion.
I hope this rambling post makes a bit of sense, but what I mean is, in my mind I never joined the WT, I joined the religion, crap though it was, I hope I fell for it because I am a good, trusting person !
How that trust was betrayed !
if your case is like mine.... then you had no option.... thats mental kidnapping.
To fool someone else is not actually that difficult . . . all you have to do is win their trust. The WTs did so with me as I recall, by their presentation of the Bible. I knew nothing previously of what the bible taught. When being indoctrinated . . . I imagined that 90% of it was what other bible-based religions believed anyway . . . and I was fortunate enough to be learning with those who believed in accuracy (remember "accurate knowledge?").
It all seemed "voluntary" and therefore properly motivated. The old WTS hackneyed illustration of the frog in the pot of water which is slowly heated was perfectly suited to what I was going through . . . little did I know. Ultimately, I'm just a well-cooked frog.
Due to being brain washed and indoctrinated from birth.