Last night's meeting

by RunningMan 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    My son had a talk last night, so I had the priviledge of trudging off to another meeting.

    The Bible section being considered at the present time is Isaiah 19-26. Much to my surprize, I learned that the Society is prefigured in at least two places in these few chapters. They consider themselves the "watchman" class, as well as the "Eliakim" class, with the poor old clergy of Christendom relegated to the mere "Shebna" class.

    This correspondance of the Society to virtually everything in the Bible is getting sickening already. Although it makes writing a talk very easy. If something in the Bible is good (say for example, Jesus' sandal), then it prefigures the Society. If it is bad (say, the dust under his sandal), then it prefigures the clergy. No event is too small to represent something modern.

    I also learned that JW's are "the happiest people on earth", and that in March, there will be a concerted effort to reactivate people. So, be on the watch for visitations, guys.

    I also found an amusing way of entertaining myself during meetings. If you replace the word "God" with "Dog" in the material, you come up with all sorts of fun references. For example, from last night's KM, "happy is the people whose dog is Jehovah", or, "Noah - he walked with dog".

    I was very spiritually upbuilt. I recommend the experience to anyone who needs a nap.

  • Joyzabel

    rotflmao. glad you had fun (snore) runningman.

    I'm a dyslexic, agnostist, insomniac who lays awake nights wondering if there really is a dog!


  • JBean

    I'm laughing out loud at work and people are wondering what's wrong with me!!!!! ahahah! Thanks.... it's truly *dog'* gift to us to laugh first thing in the morning!!! ahahahah... (see, now I can't stop...)

  • freeman

    Runningman, Glad to hear the meetings are important to you, the meetings are also just as meaningful to me. Like Noah, I too walk the dog (LOL).

    Last night my wife was feeling ill and also feeling pressured as she was running out of time. I told her to take it easy and relax but she would hear none of it. Oh no, she just had to attend the meeting last night, no matter what.

    Being coerced to attend meetings when health or other reasons made it unwise is what eventually helped me break free from the control of the Borg. I my case the Elders wanted me to give up my high paying NASA job to go back to being a TV fixit-man or a janitor as the NASA job made me miss a few meetings now and then. That was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Unfortunately my dear wife is still under their spell, and I am at a loss as to how I can help her. I only hope she will at some point say enough! Until then, she will move heaven and earth to insure she doesn’t miss a word from the "watchman" class or the "Eliakim" class, even if it kills her. So sad, such a waste. I liked your post, thank you.


  • gumby

    And all this time I thought the organisation pictured Baalam's talking ass!

  • RunningMan

    Actually, I suspect they may be the demonized swine class.

  • Skimmer

    More like the demons in the demonized swine. Swine are actually good for something; the demons are not.

  • Farkel

    : Much to my surprize, I learned that the Society is prefigured in at least two places in these few chapters. They consider themselves the "watchman" class, as well as the "Eliakim" class, with the poor old clergy of Christendom relegated to the mere "Shebna" class.

    : This correspondance of the Society to virtually everything in the Bible is getting sickening already. Although it makes writing a talk very easy. If something in the Bible is good (say for example, Jesus' sandal), then it prefigures the Society. If it is bad (say, the dust under his sandal), then it prefigures the clergy. No event is too small to represent something modern.

    I was thinking about that very subject the other day. Originally, the society under Russell was just a "messenger" of the Bible who looked for clues in the Bible to prophecy. Later, it was Russell himself who allowed others to claim and did not deny that the FDS applied to him. During JFR's tenure, the society became the caretaker and ONLY purveyor of correct prophecy and JFR started applying more and more scripture to the society. It was during this time that, as you said, "everything and everyone good" in the Bible foretold them, and "everything and everyone bad" in the Bible foretold everyone BUT them. Later, the society got even bolder and put themselves in between the R&F and Christ's ransom and even salvation.

    It is fascinating to note that as their membership and power and wealth and greed increased, they became bolder and bolder until they turned into megalomaniacs possessed with self-worship.

    Over the years I've heard a number of people tell me they read the WT magazine and were nauseated at how that magazine was more about the glories of the Watchtower society than it was about God or Christ. God and Christ were merely shills and props used only to make them appear Christian and feign that they were not the self-gloryfing jerks they really are.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • butalbee

    Hey, that's great, at least you found a way to entertain yourself, wish I thought of something like that, I used to just think of ways to escape w/out being noticed.

  • jukief

    This is great, RunningMan. :-)

    My mom tries not to attend too many meetings, but when she does, she stays busy working on fiction (she's writing a book). She said she hopes people will think she's taking notes, but I think they know better. :-) Anyway, I passed your tip along to her for those times when she has writer's block or her pen runs out of ink.



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