Watchtower – Wrong about Noah and blood

by Marvin Shilmer 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Watchtower – Wrong about Noah and blood

    Today I added a new article to my blog addressing underpinning Watchtower plies to validate its blood taboo. As it turns out, Watchtower must think that two wrongs make a right!

    My article is titled Watchtower – Wrong about Noah and blood and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Terry

    Thanks Marvin!

    The ethical question is simple, but, not simple-minded.

    Life only has value when it has purpose.

    For ordinary humans self-preservation is the beginning of all other values.

    A dead person cannot worship a living god.

    When death becomes a valuable purpose it exposes a core insanity.

    The (Watchtower) blood policy turns this on its head.

    Abstaining from blood was life affirming to Christians and Jews in the 1st Century because:

    it was a call for preserving human life by not shedding blood in murder.

    See the Laws of the Sons of Noah (Noahide Law)

    Ask yourself a simple question.

    Why would Christians not be warned about murder if it weren't already contained in "abstain from blood" (corresponding to the Noahide Laws)?

    The Watchtower has diabolically reversed this into a death affirming policy by making martyrdom more important than a living worshipper.

    The actual "respect for Jehovah" blood issue was contained in the prohibition on "Keep yourselves free from things strangled..." because the blood was not poured out.

    The Watchtower Blood issue is a huge neon sign blinking on and off over a pawn shop where people offer their lives and the lives of their love ones

    for a cheap pawn ticket that buys them a martyrs death for no other reason than that they've been lied too about what is really valuable.

    Life is the greatest value; not approval from a book publishing company in Brooklyn!

  • darwin
  • darwin
  • thetrueone

    Darwin , your posts aren't showing , if your using IE9 click on the compatibility icon on the far right

    of the address bar it looks like two opposing arrows.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I think some issues are worth risking out lives over, but Watchtower’s blood taboo sure is not one of them. Or, at least to date Watchtower has not soundly demonstrated its blood doctrine is 1) valid and 2) worth dying for.

    One telling aspect of Watchtower’s blood doctrine is that, to my knowledge, not a single medical doctor professing themselves as “Jehovah’s Witnesses” has undertaken to publish a defense of the distinctions made by this doctrine from either a medical or theological perspective. One by the name of Dr. Malak did write an article in 1998 touching on the subject, but since then Watchtower moved the doctrine under his feet by (as of year 2000) allowing as a “conscience matter” blood products Dr. Malak presented as “Refused by Witnesses”.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Terry

    Yes, as I said elsewhere, all any JW ever has to do to fulfill the prohibition in ACTS is to refrain from MURDER.

    The Noahide law for Gentiles was "abstain from BLOODshed".

    Making blood a shibboleth was part of the plan to use the rank and file as publicity martyrs strengthening the Brand Name: Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Saving lives never entered their mind!

    Abstain from Bloodshed saved lives.

    The greatest problem facing both Israel, the Church and mankind has been internal strife, altercation, blood feuds and the resulting MURDER.

    It was a POSITIVE injunction and not a negative one.

  • thetrueone

    A test of faith to solidify the organization's outward position as the one and true organization solemnly chosen by god. .....ummmm

    Or was it established has a show of devotion to god or a display of devotion to the WTS. and its theological leaders. ?

    I personally think the latter.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    thetrueone writes:

    “…was it established has a show of devotion to god or a display of devotion to the WTS. and its theological leaders. ? I personally think the latter.”

    Author Edmund Gruss agrees with you. According to Gruss, Fred Franz saw the prohibition against blood transfusion as a way to publicize his religion and convince Witnesses they were being persecuted for righteousness sake since he knew it would draw uproar from the non-Witness community.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • designs

    Fred was a provocateur to the cost of human lives, my father among the thousands who have died from lack of a blood transfusion.

    Christians in Europe made the charge that Jews were eating children yet Christian's own blood festival, Communion, was perfectly fine to them, they couldn't see the irony.

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