I was reading few basic believes of the Islam and I see similarities between JW doctrines and theirs ie. Final Day Judgement when actions will be either punised or blessed in a physical resurrection .... Jesus not seen as God (Trinity), no celebration of birthdays. mmmmm I wonder how much other religions have influenced the JW "biblical" points of view ???
Islam and JW
by Dudu 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
surely one can see the resemblance. Just sad the JWs cant properly understand the book they so cherish as their guide. Its like they have got blind men leading a pack of low sighted men, guess where they end up?
Why be surprised at the resemblance? Both groups try to stick as closely aspossible to primitive texts that glorify divine rages and killings. Even a cursory glance at the Bible and the Koran will shock the naive reader with their blood-soaked, maniacal and sacrificial messages.
Besides, why confine the comparison to Moslems and JWs. Look at the spooky similarities between Jews and Moslems and extreme fundamentalist Christian groups including the American sect that publically burnt the Koran!
We should be thankful at least that JWs endeavour to obey secular laws forbidding murder and await on Jehovah to kill apostates whereas (some) Moslems feel a strong divinely-inspired need to seek out apostates from Islam and kill them. These small mercies are appreciated.
Well, I was a born-in and I was thought we (JW) were unique in our doctrines.... that is why finding similarities at this stage (recently out) is surprising ...
Well, I was a born-in and I was thought we (JW) were unique in our doctrines.... that is why finding similarities at this stage (recently out) is surprising ...
Same with me. when I first left.
I was shocked by the similarities of so many groups to what the JWs teach.
Black Sheep
It's not just doctrines. It's logic and mindset as well.
There is a lot of crossover of control techniques between sects. If it works, use it.
I have heard many of my JW family members using the same logic to stay faithful to the bOrg, that I have heard used by Mormons, Moonies, Christian cults and Manson family members. I would guess that every TV interview of a cult member that I have ever seen contained a phrase, or logic, that I have heard at least one of my family members use.
Some things about Islam remind me of the Jehovah's Witnesses leaders:
Spokespeople of Michael........Muhammad spokesperson for Gabriel
created Jesus.........................ordinary man Jesus
Shunning of apostates..........debated--most think outspoken apostates are
..................................................referred to in the Qur'an as those who create
................................................. mischief in the land for Allah and his Prophet
................................................. and hadiths call for execution
mainly Western world............mainly Middle East
avoid alleged "worldliness".avoid Western culture/politics "worldliness"
Clayton Woodworth..............wrong part of human body given as creating semen
..............................................camel urine w/camel milk as medicine
(Golden Age)..........................(hadith)
door to door...........................Muslims who claim Islam will take over the world
conservative...........................most are orthodox, most of the rest conservative
--reform will bring shunning --reform may bring a hostile fatwa
dress modestly.......................dress modestly
male/female roles...................male/female role complimentarianism--
..................................................Qur'an 4:34 debated about hitting a wife
blood rule--.............................Islam--
altered Mosic law..................altered Mosaic law
homosexuality a sin................homosexuality an abomination to punish
conservative Christian..........Qur'an (hadiths prescribe punishment by human
..................................................hands up to and including execution)
Suicide for blood rule..............suicide for Islam
(most JWs approve)................(most Muslims disapprove)
own version of the Bible.........own version of the Bible
door to door............................pilgrimage to Mecca
Governing Body.......................Islamic Jurists--Ulama
Watchtower science................Bucailleism
Intelligent design....................Theistic evolution or intelligent design
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_creationism -
Well, I suppose it's no surprise given the creedence both groups give to (blindly) obeying ancient drivel sourced from the same part of the world. I would say this, however: Radical Islam has much more of the scarier elements in common with the Roman Catholic church - especially the church of a few centuries ago that used the sword to convert entire nations and hunted down and hacked to death "heretics" (i.e., "apostates"). As I said, they draw upon the same old ancient drivel.
Aussie Oz
and dont forget them co-partners in a conferance on persecuted minorities
havnt time right now to grab the link but...
....camel urine mixed with camel milk cures What!!! a hangover!!!