How do elders deal with Hermeraphrodites / intersex?

by garbonzo 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Violia

    I think we give too much power to the wts . These are things that a doctor or therapist could help a person with, not elders who have no training at all. I think if this was me and I was born this way and could afford the surgery I'd do it and get forgiveness after the fact. It is always easier to get forgiveness than permission.

    The state of ones genitalia should be no ones business but the person and their docs.

    Typically this person usually identities with one sex more than the other and they can be given hormones to help them look more like the sex they choose. In the movie " And Justice for All" Al Pacino is a newish atty and one of his clients is a male who dresses as a female.

  • garbonzo

    @Violia I see no reason why they would want surgery if they have a fully functioning genitalia of their chosen sex.

  • thetrueone

    They are constantly disfellowshipped and reinstated and every time they do they have to go into very specific detail to their sexual behavior

    with the elders, so they in turn can fantasize themselves with their wifes when they get home.

    Hey those elders get their rocks off indiscriminately this way, all in the name of Jehovah and his organization.

    Trust me

  • Violia
  • Phizzy

    It is a complex issue, and of course, the WT is not equipped to deal with it because their beloved Bible says not a word about it, so they cannot pontificate and command and demand that people born that way act as their God directs, He had obviously not heard of the problem, despite its occurance since early times.

    The God of the Watchtower is obviously not omniscient.

    Perhaps, because He is not natural, He doesn't want to comment. But He seems to want to interfere in every other aspect of human life, what's going on ?

  • WTWizard

    For sure, the Washtowel (and the hounders) handle issues like these in the way that creates the maximum amount of problems for such people. Instead of letting it be up to the individuals, they will hound and harass such people no matter what they choose, since they could be potentially classified as homosexuals regardless of which gender they choose.

    If one must make a distinction, a doctor is much better equipped to make it than some hounders that merely wish to ruin lives. A doctor would be able to do medical tests and assign a gender. Even better is, what role in reproduction is the person best suited for? If a person has rudimentary male genitals but is capable of becoming pregnant and bearing a child to birth, most likely it would be assigned female. If a person is capable of getting someone pregnant but ill equipped to bear children, they would be male. Again, a doctor is much better equipped to make that decision. If a person is capable of both (or neither), that issue is better discussed with a doctor than a religious minister (let alone the hounders, too many of whom like to ruin lives).

    And, there should be nothing wrong with the person's making the decision either way. If a person is of ambiguous gender, that person is more likely to be bisexual anyways--especially if they can function equally well either way. This is none of the hounders' damn business.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    It is none of their business. The bible is silent on many matters for good reason. Supposed higher law (divine law) is man-made in most cases - "Our law is this but God's is really this". Hermaphrodism occurs naturally and has done for a very long time. It would be unkind and unloving to ask such a person to make their own choice and then stick by that, God's law, which is hard to fully know is based not on right or wrong but on what is the most loving thing to do. Last para of WTWizard applies - they know how they feel and they should not feel that a hetrosexual or homosexual shoudl determine what they should do in my opinion. I would not ask them anything, reveal little and live a life to the fullest with the gifts given.

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