I think my boyfriend just dumped for JW. He is an inactive JW, he was the the one who started tp pursue the relationship and now he kind of shunning me. I don't why, maybe because he sensed that I am trying to tell him a lot about the true Jesus and because he felt like he can't convert me, but that's okay, I understand. What I don't understand is that why did he try so hard before to get our relationship started knowing that he can't date a worldly girl? It hurts.... Auuchh!!
I guess I am no more a girlfriend in dilemma
by DilemmaGF 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Sounds like the young man is typical of young male confused JW's
What I don't understand is that why did he try so hard before to get our relationship started knowing that he can't date a worldly girl? It hurts.... Auuchh!!
Consider it a compliment. You were too good to resist. Then move on from that guy.
I welcome you to this forum, but if your JW problem is over and you don't come around anymore, thanks for sharing your input on another JW that missed out on a good thing.
I welcome you to this forum, but if your JW problem is over and you don't come around anymore, thanks for sharing your input on another JW that missed out on a good thing.
Well, I still wish that I could help him if he has not totally shun me. It's just too sudden but I guess I understand why he did this. I wish to understand more about JW. I am praying that one day he and his family will come to realize the evil things that WT is doing and come out and be free...
I am praying that one day he and his family will come to realize the evil things that WT is doing and come out and be free...
Your in the right company then . . . we all here wish for the same. You need to acknowledge that the JW's are a high control religion resembling what most people term a cult. Without knowing how cults regulate and mentally control their members, you have next to no chance of enlightening him. Even armed with the best knowledge and techniques . . . helping them to see it is extremely difficult.
As nice as he may seem . . . ex-members often have a difficult time with re-adjustment. Some even go back. You've dodged a bullet . . . JW's do not usually make good life partner material. The best thing you can do is put it down to experience and move on . . . all the best.
Hi (((((((((DilemmaGF))))))) and welcome. I'm sorry for your pain but it could have been worse if you married him. Ditto what sizemilk wrote. Go out and date normal guys. If you liked your exJW BF because he seemed religious, you can always join Christian Mingles or go to your local church.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
JWS are programed to think that they are in the one and true religion chosen by god and their set doctrines can justifiably prove this.
With that in tow there is a ebullience of arrogance structured well into every JWS. He probably thought at first, hey this girl has Christian ideals
I can probably convert her with my god given truths and we can perhaps continue in a relationship further down the road.
This is a typical attitude by a JWS in that they approach with friendliness and start in proselytizing (preaching) the way he's been taught.
There are always friendly smiles for newly interested ones, but once its established that this designated person repels the WTS.
teachings they get quickly thrown to the curb and abandoned. Be apart of my spiritual family or we will reject and demonise you.
Their relationship to Jah and his suppose earthly organization (WTS) comes first and paramount with deeply devout JWS.
Thats why JWS are instructed to not even associate wtih their own family if they pose any questionable opposition to the WTS.
Essentially dissolving families all together and marriages as well.
Welcome DilemmaGF. The Witnesses are a male-dominated high-control group, and your ex-bf was probably had plans to drag you into the Borg for his own benefit. Men are given authority and control in the JW religion, over their wives and the congregation- even if they are window washers. I guess that is hard to resist. Stick to your guns and stay free.
Yup. Been there. My fiance' in fact dumped me cuz the elders told her I was bad association. She knew I was an inactive JW from day one. She still went for it. Dragged me back into the borg. Then it all fell apart when I just couldn't take going to the meetings. It was painful to me like sitting through the looped recorded menu for Direct TV over and over.
Then i had it happen to me twice by Mormons. I guess I really liked the fresh faced look of cult members. but cults have what is known as TEMPLE PROSTITUTES. These prostitutes purposely target non believers knowing ahead of time that they will eventually slap them with an ultimatum that they must convert or else it's over. It's really sick. But common.
Hey dilemmaGF..It's his problem.. that's how bad this Is... I've been DF'd for 22 years and still belevieved it was the truth... I have ruined my life, by shunning the world and shunning the BORG.. I'm the lonliest person i know.. He is motivated by fear.. yet his inner voice is telling him THEY are wrong..
I 've lived this... I'm so happy to say I HATE what the Watchtower has done to me.. Shame Shame Shame on them... They are the cruelest Society on earth and they .. claim to have love among themselves ..far from it...
can any one tell me how to start my own thread?
L8R T8r