Early Civilizations and Bible Chronology
by xelder 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yeah. I totally agree.
I'm not so sure...
Bible civilizations were early in the human timeline, yes! That's it! (sorry if you lost writing, it's a maddening affair!)
Black Sheep
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I'm still waiting for an explanation for how 'Bible chronology' explains the Abos being in Oz for nearly 30,000 years before a Middle East God got around to manufacturing it's first tribe member (without realising that it might be lonely and unable to breed on it's own).
Egyptian and Syrian civilizations were ongoing at the time of the Bible's story of 'Adam's creation'.
Try reading Ruth Beechick's books on Genesis and world history. Also the Archaeology book from the Wonders of Creation Series. Try obtaining some of the books in their bibliographies. You can think that they are laughable if you want, but I would read them before passing judgment.
Shades- Damascus was a village in 10,000 BC, 6,000 years before Adam, all you have to do is show archeological evidence of 1 human existing before Adam in 4000 BC and the Bible becomes irrelevant as to its claims of accurately depicting human origin.
That is incorrect. There are many possible explanations for the typically accepted science and the typically accepted Bible timeline to be at odds.
When do you believe Adam was created?