Second fire at Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall. 666 written on the door.

by whereami 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    First hunch, disfellowshipped witness.

    Saddly, Head Office will need to offer the local congregation a loan (at acceptable interest rates, no doubt) to rebuild their investment.

  • designs

    finally- agree, somebody's going to do serious jail time for this felony.

  • 00DAD

    I'm actually surprised there isn't MORE of this sort of thing! In particular, considering the extreme psychological violence the organization has done to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, I'm surprised no one's gone postal on The Malignant Seven Guys from Brooklyn!

    If you wonder why I'd say such a thing, see Sizemik's Post 4696 of 4698 above.

  • DesirousOfChange

    SIZEMIK: I'm not justifying it either . . . just offering reasons. The point is . . . if you f*ck with peoples lives like they do . . . there will come this sort of fall-out occasionally.

    00DAD: I'm actually surprised there isn't MORE of this sort of thing! In particular, considering the extreme psychological violence the organization has done to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, I'm surprised no one's gone postal. . .

    I'm with 00DAD, I'm suprised there haven't been more "postal" indidents at JCs, CO Visits, etc. If you f*ck with peoples lives . . .

    And the new policies are harsher and harsher. More people being f*cked with. Some of them are likely just somewhat unstable. These are the ones who will "snap".


  • WontLeave

    When you make mentally-ill and mentally-challenged people your staple members, this sort of thing is bound to happen. Just like Wal-Mart has to deal with rampant shoplifting because they cater to trash, they are reaping what they sowed.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    A fire was intentionally set at the same structure around 11:55 p.m. Dec. 20 by one or more burglars attempting to destroy evidence of a break-in,

    It must be ex-JW's; why would anyone want to burgle a KH? What is there worth stealing, a tatty PA system and a load of unwanted magazines and brochures they would happily deliver to you.


  • Knowsnothing

    That is absolutely uncalled for. Violence is never the solution.


    Here's a blast from the past ! ( no pun intended )

    A friend of mine was very involved in the remodel and the repairs after the explosion. When you mess with people long enough, there are consequences.

  • Vidiot

    Okay, if this was a wounded XJW soul, I can kind of sympathize...

    ...but if it was just some retard with his brain in his ass, all this idiot's done is feed the R&F's persecution complex.

  • Tameria2001

    I was in a congregation back around 1985 or was it 86, anyway, I was in a congregation that was burned down. The person who was responsible for it was never a JW, his ex-wife was though. When he learned that his ex-wife was going to get remarried he was first going to burn down the kingdom hall, then kill both is ex-wife and her fiancé. What stopped him from killing her was when he torched the kingdom hall, a couple of my class mates saw this and called the police.

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