My favorite games are Fallout 3- played over 250 hours, Black Ops- played over 500 hours multiplayer/zombies, GTA 4- played around 90 hours, Pokemon Ruby- played over 30 hours, Pokemon FireRed- played over 30 hours. I have Modern Warfare 3 but its kinda not what I expected, Black Ops was more fun. What do you guys play?
Anybody play videogames here?
by DonutZ! 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
i take black ops over mw3 anyday, i played lots of Gta iv too, then skyrim. Lets just say i am into a lot of video games.
I play a lot of Pokémon, with probably a couple of thousand hours worth of legendary Pokémon (including all the event legendaries) on my Black that got stolen. Also Zelda, Fallout, and any RPGs I can get my hand on. Right now I'm in the middle of a replay of The Minish Cap since I got it from the 3DS Ambassador program. I mainly use my PS3 for Fallout: New Vegas and as a Blueray player (lately, anyway).
I'm waiting to upgrade from a single core CPU, an AGP GPU, and a CRT screen to
Ivy Bridge, a 28nm GPU, and ? to play the new ones. last thing I worked on was Klarnetist's 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air for VC.'m currently trying Kentie's "Direct3D 10 Renderer" and "Deus Exe" and
DaveW's "New Vision" for Deus Ex. -
Zelda games are my favorite as well. If they had I wider selection, I would probably own all of them.
Witness My Fury
MW3 was crap, good job i played it on verbatim lol.
Skyrim is awesome, i'm playing it at the mo. Fallout 3 and Vegas awesome, Zombies on COD WAW were better than Black Ops I feel (Der Reise was the best of all I bought all the map packs for WAW), yes I've played the Black Ops versions of those maps on a JTAG XBOX as well.
I played World of Warcraft for 5 years. Laughed, cried and learned a little about myself. Right now I am getting through Super Mario Wii, VERY fun game. Also I try to play through every Zelda game.
What would be the best Zelda game so far? I'd haven't played them all, but I'd have to say that dungeon designwise and replayability goes to Ocarine of Time. I haven't played Twighlight Princess and I'd love to see how the new Wii Zelda will be.
Halo games on Xbox live
I was big into the original Medal of Honor, Ghost Recon and Battlefield2 back in the day. Dark Angel made the best mods for GR, kickass. Twitch was my nic. It was awesome with VoIP when you were on a squad who knows what they're doing
Not into RPGs and don't play online so much anymore.