The prognosis is 'terminal'

by AK - Jeff 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think that deep-down no one ever really believed they were never going to die. The only thing I felt I had to look forward to was, that even when I died, I could be resurrected.

    Let's see, my great-frandfather, my grandparents, my parents, several other older relatives and in-laws all believed they would never get old or die either.

    Guess what? DEAD. All part of the "millions now living" who would never die.


  • N.drew

    Even if Revelation 11:18 means the Earth will indeed be "ruined" it can come back. Science know it can. In time it can and WILL be inhabited forever. When those ruining the Earth have sown their own ruination then they can not be resurrected because they have shared in the ruining of Earth.

    Do we all have a small or large part in the ruination? Yes. The son will forgive us, but we must ask and act.

    Once the sin has come to it's end then all will know The Holy ONE of Abraham, and the sheep will be led to the renewed Earth. Will some live forever? I suppose it depends on how bad the ruination is.

    The resurrection is by spirit. Time is nothing. Obeying the voice of the one who has the power to "make stand up" is as easy as going through a door.

  • sabastious
    It always has been. We are all going to die.

    According to Christian lore there is one generation, the last one before the great change, that will not die.


  • sabastious
    How did it affect you though, when that reality set in after leaving the lies of religion?

    I think about my death more than I did when I was a Witness. For some reason I have a great desire to go out without bodily mutilation especially decapitation. I find it odd that my feelings are so strong about it since I likely will not be able to see it.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh, you scared me with your title. I thought you were possibly sharing some bad news from the doctor.

    But it is terminal for all of us.

    I didn't go to "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" like that horrible book, the Bible, says we should do IF the things written in it are not true. BUT I did seek personal peace and decided to live better in this life. Family is important. Good friends are important. Relaxing moments are important.

    But if others want to eat, drink, and be merry, it's not a terrible idea.

  • sabastious
    Even if Revelation 11:18 means the Earth will indeed be "ruined" it can come back.

    There are solar storms created by the sun powerful enough to completely incinerate Mercury. If Mercury suddenly was not in orbit with the other planets Earth might loose it's capability of sustaining life not to mention what the storm did to it. It might BREAK the orbit of ALL the sun's planets sending them off as glorified asteroids. If we all became victims of that catastrophe we wouldn't feel much, but ALL our energy would still be in existence... waiting. At that point a trillian years could go by and we'd be unaware of time and space. Until we were recreated (transported) in a different solar system with a planet the right distance from it's sun for humankind (72 degrees F). At that point it'd be on an actual new earth with new flora, fauna and terrain. It would be new heavens too because we'd reside in a different solar system with a different star map and location in the universe.


  • ldrnomo

    I'm on board with OTWO but I'm also eating drinking and being merry. I call it "reasonable guiltless self indulgence"

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    My 2nd generation JW mom has been terminally ill her whole life.

    I think she really bought into the idea that as long as she didn't get hit by a bus or die early she would make it on into Paradise. Thus her lifelong hypochondria, IMO.

    Personally, I fully realized I was going to eventually die in 1995 when the WT did their first whopper of an adjustment to the 1914 generation.

    I'm thankful I was young enough to start getting serious about a career even though a college degree was no longer possible.


    p.s. The thread title made my stomach sink.


    Good Morning AK-Jeff..

    Jeezuz Bud..

    What a freaky title..I thought you were sick..

    I`m not worried about death..

    How do you know when your dead?..


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Apologies to those who feared this thread was ominus health related.

    Of course that is the purpose of a good headline, isn't it?

    Thanx for all the comments. Seems that most have adjusted quickly and well to the situation. It was not easy for me at first - but now the idea of death seems just a natural conclusion to biological life. I think that I am 'well adjusted' to reality for the first time in my life.

    Perhaps the 'truth' really can set one free?


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