I understand what you are saying, but it comes down to this.
The scientific mind cannot grasp the invisible spirit realm and its Creator because they think in terms of human logic.
When we talk about GOD we leave behind material, physical sensible "things".
That’s why God says they cannot come to fully know or understand how it works.
We no longer communicate with what we know as real, palpable, measurable reality
They are stuck in a rut of simplistic human minds.
So what He revealed is something we can’t really understand very well.
What they seek to find out scientifically does not exist on a chart or scale that they can ever come to understand.
In other words, to speak about God is talk about what you do NOT know. It is the voice of Intellect not brain.
The scientist Michael Faraday is considered to be one of the greatest physicists. When questioned on his speculations of a life after death, Faraday replied: “Speculations? I know nothing about speculations. I’m resting on certainties. I know that my Redeemer lives, and because He lives, I shall live also.”
Transcendence is our suspension bridge between imagination and the Divine.