so Here I am... Finally.. I'm 3rd gen, DF'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... I'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up JW 1960-2010
By not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here Iam... thanks to this site and all of you..
Everyone on my Dad's side of family is Df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to Idaho to see us from Hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric...
I don't know where I'm going with this... I just want to change my way of thinking.. I can't see the future... but now I know why...
I have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a JW child.. in 3rd grade I never got see one cartoon on Saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome Hong Kong Phooey was... I just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry LOL ..
I think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the Truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'UNFORGIVABLE' sin...
that it for now L8r T8R