Happiness is a Study

by AllTimeJeff 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff



    As JW's we were taught that things, money, posessions, cannot make you HAPPY™. Incredibly, they were right.

    But I bet you won't be surprised about what they left out on the subject of HAPPINESS™!

    Remember, you were taught that HAPPINESS™ comes from "serving Jehovah". That is why you can be HAPPY™ by reveling in your poverty as you knock on doors and place literature with the ever changing dogmatic opinions of the Governing Body.

    When JW's leave that cult, we all do this because, let's face it, we weren't happy. Not their version of HAPPINESS™. The real happy.

    You see, JW's have it all wrong. (not a surprise here, I realize) JW's actually search for the unhappy, to sell their self serving version of HAPPINESS™. That version doesn't really involve your personal happiness (the real kind) in any way.

    JW's, or I should say, the GB, try so hard to tell you that people with homes, cars, jobs, and money are not really HAPPY™. Here's why, even if they are happy (the real kind) JEHOVAH IS GOING TO KILL THEM!!

    So yeah, that makes sense. And we always used to look at that people at the height of our own belief and think, "There go a few more dead people walking. Look at how happy they are now. We are HAPPY™! Because we serve YHWH in abject poverty.... Just like the GB taught us how to be HAPPY™"

    The whole point is, no one (that I know of anyway) leaves JW's and instantly understands the subject, esp considering the amount of brainwashing that took place.

    I think it's sad, and I accept this, that there are people who leave JW's and give up in some way. Or take a decade off, whatever. They figure that happiness (the real kind) isn't in the cards for them. (not true btw) It's tough. But you and I don't have to remain victims of this.

    The secret of happiness is understanding that it is a road, not a destination. Sound trite?

    Being Rich™ doesn't make you happy.

    Being Poor™ doesn't make you happy.

    Being an atheist/agnostic/theist/new ager™ doesnt' make you happy.

    Being a Republican/Democrat/Libertarian/Tea Partier™ doesn't make you happy.

    Watching CNN/FOX News/MSNBC™ doesn't make you happy.

    It was never OUT THERE.

    It really is IN YOU.

    BEING happy is the key.

    To "be" or not to "be", that is the question.

    You don't have to put off your happiness until you get something external.

    Being at peace with yourself, learning, discovering, and knowing yourself, and that YOU HAVE REAL VALUE is essential, and in my view, the first step to happiness.

    If you have to start your life over, that's ok. You can be happy while building. The key is knowing where you are going. It doesn't matter if you haven't got their yet.

    The only thing that can stop you is not starting.

    Study happiness. READ!

    Please? :)

    Rant over.

  • Snoozy

    Be happy. Be happy about absolutely nothing. That my friend, is true happiness.


  • AllTimeJeff

    I want to add that I am not advocating ANYTHING.

    If I chose to be happy as an atheist, FOX news watching, Rick Santorum satanist, then I would be.

    What concerns me as I go through life is settling for where we are. In our case as former JW's, it really does pain me to know that it can seem like the bus kicked us out in the middle of the desert at 2:00 AM, and we don't have a clue where to go.

    Obviously, the mistake would be to just sit there where the bus left you.

    That is all. There is a lot of merit to the idea that happiness is a choice. :)

  • cantleave

    Reminds me of this: Or as we called it as kids "A Penis - How to find it".........

  • AllTimeJeff

    I remember that book too. As I recall, I thought it was a bad book, even for being a JW. It sort of sucked.

  • cantleave

    Yeah it was awful. It came out in 1980 during the "Divine Love" assembly.....4 days of my childhood wasted.

    edit 1980 not 1880 - I am not that old

  • wallsofjericho

    nice post Jeff

    so true about finding happiness within you. I remember once I was mentally out, standing on my porch looking up at the stars and coming to terms with the fact that there was no external entity or thing out there that owed me happiness or was ever going to imbue happiness into my life.

    It was me that was going to have to do it and for the first time in my life I started asking myself all those questions "worldly" people would ask:
    -why am I here?
    -what is the purpose of life?
    -how do I find true happiness?

    you know... all those legitimate, soul-searching questions that JW's snicker at because they have all the answers already?

    I came to the realization that as a JW I had never been happy in any real way (as you mentioned above). Rather, I had an illusion of happiness.
    This illusion of happiness is in actuality the cessation of guilt.

    It's amazing how much of a JW's life is completing the weekly routine of meetings, preparing for meetings, personal study, bible reading, service, days texts, etc.

    We are inundated with the importance of doing these things reqularly lest we summon Jehovah's displeasure. So for the average JW, when they complete this ROUTINE they feel happy. They honestly beleive it is happiness they are feeling when in reality they have just temporarly eased the burden of guilt constantly heaped on their shoulders week after week by the WTS.

    They can't even enjoy recreation to the full because even recreation is made to seem wasteful and selfish - thus even when vacationing, golfing, skiing, or taking day trips - JW's often still have a lingering guilt that needs to be pacified and thus never fully experience the happiness that can come from enjoying these special times.

    For the JW - they can't wait for Jehovah to come and fix this miserable world. You know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE MISERABLE - but they THINK they are happy

    Not surprising at all how plagued JW's are with depression with this degree of duality and dichotemy exising for so long.

    Acknowledging this was a huge leap for me. No one can make me happy or give me "happy" - but me, happiness is an attitude not a thing to have or possess.

    thanks Jeff


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yes! This was quite some book. The gold cover is shiny.

    Almost as if it's saying, study with witnesses, and this will be the last gold object you will ever own!

  • PaintedToeNail

    ATF-You are so right, happiness is attainable from within and the admonishon to read about happiness is right on.

    wallsofjericho-Your post is right on, everyone that is a JW is miserable, complaining about everything. The cessation of guilt thing was so true with me. It felt really good to let go of the guilt inducing things this summer. I felt like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders...but then, it was! I no longer felt responsible for saving 7 billion people by preaching to them about their impending destruction.

  • Tater-T

    agreed happinees is from with in...

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