Annoying JW Stories

by What Now? 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    So we had a conversation with my in-laws last night that thoroughly ticked me off and this is the only place that I can vent about it, so here goes!

    Now my husband and I have avoided doing “real” service for months. Actually, for nearly a year or so. We’ve used the excuse that my husband has had to work, the baby’s sick, it’s too cold for the baby etc. When we do go, we say we’re working as a family and take off on our own, or we do a couple RV’s then take a coffee break that pretty much ends the morning. It’s a slightly pathetic situation … but you know how it is.

    Anyways … as we become more and more fed up with this religion, we sometimes get a bit of a mischievous streak where we want our families to KNOW how we really feel. So this past Saturday, we weren’t out in service (we spent a lovely morning as a family and took our son to visit a farm near our house) and my son decided to call his dad around 10:30 just to talk about when they were coming to visit next. My husband asked his dad where they were, since he had tried the home phone and no one answered. My father in law replied “we’re out in service, where else would we be on a Saturday morning?”.

    Now, fast forward to yesterday. My in laws came over to have dinner and spend some time with us and our son. I guess my husbands phone call set off some alarm bells. As soon as they walked in the door, it was like “JW bombing”. Asking my son, “where is Jehovah? Up! Up”. Talking non stop about good public talks that were given recently in their hall. Then out of the blue my mother in law asks us, “so how are you doing in your congregation?” (now she has never asked this before, not in the entire 6 ½ years that we have been married. Not when we switched halls. Never). My husband kind of rolled his eyes and went to go outside to fiddle with dinner on the bbq. And she went on, in that annoying “mother” tone, “your father is an elder, he can call and find out”.

    I can’t even describe to you how close I came to “blowing our cover”. Or at the very least, telling her off in a very strongly worded way. It made me realize how ridiculous this pretense is getting. I feel like I’m a teenager trying to hide something from my parents. I also realized that I can now never leave my son alone with them … because if they feel for one second that we are not doing what we are supposed to as good witness parents, then every moment they have with him they will shove this religion down his throat in hopes that they will reach his heart. And I will not lose my son to this religion.

    Anyways … this is just a stupid, annoying story that I needed to get off my chest. Anyone else have any to share, so that we can all just kind of laugh together about how stupid this is??


    Actually it`s not stupid..

    Your JW inlaws will do everything in their power to indoctrinate your children..

    They will stop at nothing..It will never end..


  • truth_b_known

    It isn't stupid. It is serious. Your sanity is at stake.

    Your in-laws will attempt to use your child as a tool to keep tabs on you and your husband. Further, you should not put your child in a position where his innocent answers to their inquisition will create a negative situation. It will scar your child for life.

    My situation was different. It was my parents. The bottom line in my case is I had to decide if I wanted a happy life with a happy family or is I wanted to be miserable to please my parents.

  • Phizzy

    Stupid yes, but dangerous for you. They know that things are not as they were, they know that you are drawing away from the religion, You liken it to when as a teenager we used to try to "Pull the wool over " our parents eyes, it is exctly the same,as far as they are concerned.

    The difference now is you are in the driving seat, what do you wish to achieve ? a fade ? so no DA or worse DF ?

    You must tread warily, but I think it best to call the shots to a great degree, let them know you will not rock too many boats, but if they try to bully your family, they will not see you again, you will DF them !

    They will more likely decide to back off and let things stay as they are, when they realise that tearing the family apart is their choice, and they cannot blame you for it. But these things need to be made plain, pussy-footing too much leavbes them with the power.

  • ziddina

    "because if they feel for one second that we are not doing what we are supposed to as good witness parents, then every moment they have with him they will shove this religion down his throat in hopes that they will reach his heart. ..."

    Oh, What Now?, dear lady....

    You can be certain that they're already doing that...

    It is required of all Witnesses with any power or authority over a child, that they begin the indoctrination at birth - if not sooner...

    So you might want to keep a VERY close eye on them now - AND strengthen your child's mind against the indoctrination, too.

    I know the feeling of wanting to rip off the mask and SCREAM at the top of your lungs, "HOW can you people still BELIEVE this STUFF??? We are SO past it!" - but please, if you can, RESTRAIN YOURSELF.

    I love the "spy" illustration - if you were a "spy" in enemy territory, would you be feeling "mischevious" or impish - would you even dream of revealing your undercover loyalties???

    NO?????? [well, of course not. If you did, your future might contain unpleasant things like FIRING SQUADS and stuff like that... ]

    So think more like a SUCCESSFUL "spy"...

    Best results on your efforts...


  • LostGeneration

    “your father is an elder, he can call and find out”.

    Sounds like they already are conscious of your attempt to fade. They are pulling a power play on you. You might want to make a pre-emptive strike and just tell them straight out that you are "taking some time for yourselves" and let them chew on that for a while.

    Otherwise, they will keep up the probing and pressuring until you either go back, or explode on them like you almost did.

    Sorry, I know the point of the thread wasn't your situation, but they are after you guys.

  • NomadSoul

    I guess I have a little patience for these type of situations. I would've told them where I stood. But then again I don't care about my ties to any JW family that I have.

  • sspo

    If you don't believe anymore it's not going to get any better with your in-laws or any one else in the congregation.

    Sit down with your husband and plan a way out of the watchtower.

    Once you realize it's a cult or just another religion, it's only a matter of time, the sooner the better.

    32 years in it and happy to be out.

  • sinis

    If I were you, I would just cut them off at the knees and when they bring these issues up, just say you do not want to talk about it. Offer nothing else, no explanation, nothing. Stop doing token service and just give it up. You are doing no good to your family or sanity by walking the fence. Just let it go. If they insist on wanting to know why you don't go to meetings, or offer any "sheparding" help. refuse. If you are caught in a situation where you cannot escape, simply say you do not want to talk about it, and hold your grounf with that simple phrase. No one needs to know anything above and beyond that.

  • Tater-T

    hey read my story .. my not wanting my kid to learn this stuff helped me see the Truth about the truth... but it took twenty years..

    THis religion is so bad .. it makes me sick.. get out .. it will be a big relief.. good luck


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