WTF... what happened? or - I'm old and hate change

by undercover 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I leave you people alone for one holiday, and you go and change the whole dern place around.  I can't find anything, don't recognize anything, I'm lost...   wait, I sound like my grandfather...  

    Let's try this again...  

    Why, would you look what you've done to the place.  I hardly recognize it.  It's amazing what a makeover can do to a place.  It'll take some getting used to, but I hope to feel right at home again soon.

    (Actually this was just to test to see how to post, and how it shows up)

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  • BluesBrother

    I know.... it seems like a new place to me and will take some getting used to.. 

    NB I just noticed that the smilies (emoticons ) have disappeared ... or are they hiding somewhere??

  • tinker

    I'm old too so when I clicked the JWN icon and this place pops up my stomach went flip-flop! I've been here a couple times in the last few days and now I see how it works and will adjust....oh yes I Will!

    I do not post much but when I feel unsteady and need a Xjw fix this is where I come. Thanks for the chat among friends. We all need a make over every so often and the site now looks fresh and current. Thanks!

  • nicolaou
    I'm guessing we're all 50+ right? C'mon guys, we can do this! 
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  • DesirousOfChange

    A sign of being old:  HATING THE LEARNING CURVE,

    Doc (who still refuses to get an iPhone)

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  • panhandlegirl

    What happened to this site? Don't even know how to use it yet.Liked the other format just fine.

  • nonjwspouse

    Nicolaou, I am going to bet you are correct with the 50+ guess.

    I fit into that category.

  • QC

    Love the new format.

    Nice job Simon.

    Couple questions:

    What is the code button (</>) used for?

    Oh, just found the edit tool. How much time?

  • JimmyPage
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the change.  For the record, I'm under 50.  What I miss the most is seeing so many thread titles at once.  Now I see two or three and have to scroll down to see maybe two more.  Not a fan.
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  • Vidiot

    Everybody get the f**k off my lawn!

    Seriously, though; I can't get the "quote" function to work.


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