"This Good News of the Kingdom" preached in all the inhabited earth ? a failed prophecy ? You tell me.
by smiddy 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Of course it is being preached, by who? by bible believing christians. Its more than just going door to door with some booklets.
No, the WTS feels it has been fulfilled as show below.
*** w97 8/15 p. 14 par. 11 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future?***
True, untouched territories still exist, and perhaps in Jehovah’s due time, a door of opportunity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Still, Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 10:23 are sobering: “You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.” While the good news will surely be announced throughout the earth, we will not in person reach all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before Jesus “arrives” as Executioner.
*** w95 9/1 pp. 17-18 par. 17 Christian Witnesses for Divine Sovereignty ***
Looking forward especially to our time, Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Indeed, it has.
*** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 “Keep on the Watch” ***
Fifth, we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said would take place just before the end of this system. Jesus stated: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.
@Blondie: Thanks for the quotes, aparently they are not even cerain if its being accomplished or not.
1.4 billion Chinese, covered by 2 or 3 thousand JWs working underground. 1.3 billion+ Chinese have never heard the word "Jehovah", much less had a "witness" given to them.
1.2 billion Indians, covered by 25,000 or so JWs, 90% of whom are clustered in the small area with a Christian culture. 1 billion+ Indians have never heard the word "Jehovah", much less had a "witness" given to them.
700 million living in Muslim countries where JW work is banned or where a few hundred or few thousand JWs live. 90%+ have never heard the word "Jehovah", much less had a "witness" given to them.
Hundreds of millions more live in areas where JWs are relatively plentiful, but simply aren't home when JWs knock on their doors or can't be bothered to listen to 12 year old Johnny's mumbling presentation of the Awake magazine.
Easily half the world's population, maybe 2/3 or even 3/4, has never heard the word "Jehovah", much less had a "witness" given to them.
And the rest? What do they know about JWs? "Oh aren't those the guys who sell the Watchtower and don't celebrate Christmas? Are they the ones with the magic underwear, or is that the Mormons?"
If Jehovah as depicted by the WTS really existed, and he expected "the good news to be preached to all the inhabited earth", it's hard to imagine him being more disappointed by the WTS's pitiful, pathetic efforts.
For JWs at least they are told it's working because of the 'growth'(TM).
If it were working for them they wouldn't need all the kicks up the ar$e like this...........
*** w09 11/15 p. 15 par. 9 ***
What if we simply lack motivation to do more in Jehovah’s service and are inclined to coast along in the congregation?
***w08/15 p.29***
On the other hand, we should be careful not to become too lenient with ourselves, using our perceived limitations as an excuse for slowing down more than is necessary in the Christian ministry.
*** w07 1/15 p. 19 ***
However, if you yourself are to remain steadfast in serving Jehovah and are to avoid becoming a victim of Satan, you must do more.
*** km 2/07 pp. 3-4 par. 5 ***
You can be sure that making an effort to do more
in Jehovah’s service will bring joy and Jehovah’s blessing
*** w87 2/1 p. 15 par. 1 ***
“A FEW years ago, many of us thought that only those with special circumstances could pioneer,” wrote a pioneer, or full-time minister, in Japan. “It seems we were wrong. We are learning that only those with special circumstances cannot pioneer.”
a pet subject of mine and since the break up of the Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia it just goes to show how pathetic thier so called world wide preaching work really , sorry but a few Filipina maids living in Saudi Arabia and booking time within the Filipino community there is NOT in any shape or form preaching a world wide message about the Kingdom of God, how scarce is the preaching work in these lands? and I'll give rough population if I know it;
China,billion plus
India,billion plus
Pakistan, 100 million plus
Bangladesh, 100 million plus
North Korea, 50 million
Turkey, 100 million plus
Egypt 100, million plus?
Algeria 100 million between them?
Somalia,Sudan, Senegal and The Ivory Coast?
Iran and Iraq? close to 80 million?
Saudi,Kuwait,Yemen, Qatar,Bahrain Oman, the UAE, well over 100 million
Indonesia,Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei,100 million plus
Myanmar,Thailand,Cambodia,Vietnam,Laos, 250 million?
Uzbekistan,Azerbaijan,Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan , Kirghistan,100 million plus?
I would say out of all the billions on that list they are probably served by about 50,000 Dubs, any I missed out on? Not only is it a false prophecy but a lie.
Good question. "And this good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."
Interpretation is everything. Based on the actual fulfillment, "inhabited earth" is a reference to Jehovah's witnesses. Note the coded reference to the "earth" vs. the "sea" in Revelation where you have the 666-Beast, which represents the trinity doctrine in Christendom coming out of the "sea." But the lamb-dragon beast, those directly associated with Christ, and the beast that becomes the "false prophet", clearly the GB of the WTS, comes out of the "earth." So "inhabited earth" is a reference to Jehovah's witnesses worldwide in particular per this interpretation. The actual fulfillment supports this.
ACTUAL FULFILLMENT: First of all, "the end" that the Jews were focussed on, is not Armageddon, but the end of the "appointed times of the nations" which is a specific reference in Jesus' discourse. Luke 21:24 says "and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled."
Thus the "end of the system of things" in the context of the Jews Jesus was talking to, was the system of things of the "gentile times", that is gentile domination over the Jews while in exile. Once the Jews return from exile and again have their own country and land, then that marks "the end" for them, the end of the gentile times.
So the "end of the system of things" mentioned in Mattew occurred on November 30, 1947 when the Jews officially came out of exile per the "Partition Agreement" from the UN giving the Jews some of their Promised Land back. That was "THE END of the system of things."
The witness organization serves as the "temple" sect that preaches this "good news." Indeed, the message of Jehovah's witnesses is positive and "good news", right? A paradise earth, peace and happiness to come. So starting out as Bible Students and officially being recognized in 1886 as God's temple, with just a few members, the test of this prophecy would be whether their message was spread worldwide throughout the nations by November 30, 1947. That answer is: YES. But specifically, earlier in 1947, the president of the WTS, NH Knorr, went on a worldwide speaking tour, proving the "good news" and thus JWs were now an interational organization. But "the end" came immrediately after that worldwide tour. So the specific fulfillment would be this worldwide speaking engagement by NH Knorr that would be a witness to the nations that "the end of the gentile times" would then occur, which did on November 30, 1947.
From the 1975 Yearbook:
" There must be theocratic reconstruction and expansion. That was evident. So, on February 6, 1947, about six months after the Glad Nations Theocratic Assembly, the Society’s president, N. H. Knorr, and his secretary, M. G. Henschel, embarked on a globe-encircling service tour. From personal observation during that 47,795-mile journey it was possible to determine what steps were required to strengthen and unify the worldwide organization.
That journey accomplished much. Among other things, following the tour Gilead missionaries were sent to certain Asiatic lands and islands of the Pacific. Kingdom interests were being advanced. The Theocracy was surging ahead!"
So based on the above interpretation, this global speaking tour was a sign that the end of the gentile times would then occur, which it did. After the "good news" was preached world wide, specifically by NH Knorr in early 1947, then "the end" of the gentile times occurred later that year on November 30, 1947. That's the actual fulfillment.
"The end" is not a reference to Armageddon. Further context that the Jews were focussed on when the State of Israel would be reestablished is the reference to when the fig tree would begin to blossom as a reference when the Jewish state would be reestablished, ending the gentile times. So when the Jews came out of exile and again had God's recognition was a huge focus for the Jews.
This "end of the system of things" would be part of the events that wojuld occur during the generation of 1914-1994, 80 years (Ps. 90:7) leading to the second coming. In fact, 1947 ends the 1290 days, which means the messiah would specifically arrive to fulfill the"1335 days" 45 days/years later. 1947 is thus a basis for establishing the "1335 days" points to the second coming in 1992, the year in which it did actually occur on December 25-26, 1992.
Now some might not like this interpretation, which is fine, but this is the interpretation and fulfillment the JIOR goes by, so for them it was fulfilled quite specifically. Per this interpretation, though, the fulfillment limits "the inhabited earth" to those who are witnesses and would not include even Christendom, which is represented by the "sea."
Matthew 24 is about the natural Jews and Jehovah's witnesses. These are the "greater number" and the "lesser number." The natural Jews are the "greater number." So when the Bible says the "love of the greater number would cool off" during these times, it is a reference to the love of the Jews in the world cooling off and thus a reference to the increase in anti-semitism. That led directly to the Holocaust. The Holocaust is referenced in Matthew as the "great tribulation." Again the WTS and many others think this "great tribulation" is a reference to Armageddon. But Matthew 24:29 clearly notes this tribulation is OVER and COMPLETE before the messiah arrives! "Immediately after the tribulation of those days...the sign of the son of man would appear in heaven..." means that the messiah arrives after the Holocaust occurs. Thus there are two separate "great tribulations" if we are paying close attention. One that is part of the sgns leading up to the second coming and one associated with Armageddon, which is after the second coming.
So Matthew is fully fulfilled if you have the correct interpretation. That is, after the great tribulation (the Holocaust), the Jewish state would be set up again and God would forgive the Jews, allowing a remnant to be restored to their homeland and the gentile rule over them end. But before this, the witnesses would have reached international status, being scattered throughout many of the nations. They are specifically God's recognized temple organization and this is represented by the "earth" in general or the "inhabited earth." So a sign that would occur just before the end of the gentile times woudl be the global preaching of the "good news", which specifically was emphasized by a worldwide speaking tour by NH Knorr in early 1947.
Now that is the official, correct interpretation. But I'm not dogmatic. Thus I just offer this as a "potential" fulfillment for those who can handle it. If this doesn't do it for you, I won't argue against your own personal interpretation.
Thanks for bringing this topic up! It's quite fascinating, in retrospect, to see how these prophecies were fulfilled!!
P.S. WARNING: Lots of people tend to want to focus on individual, isolated prophecies in the Bible and try to figure things out, while ignoring CHRONOLOGY. Chronology tells us when the Christ arrives at both the 1st and 2nd coming. Those prophecies are the "1335 days", the "7 times", the "70 weeks" and the "2300 evenings and mornings" related to the Christian temple sect that would appear during the end times. These are like "extra" things in the Bible some don't want to deal with. But it relates to the "extra oil" that the wise virgins focus on. So if you don't try to figure out the correct chronology, you won't understand the dating of the second coming and you will be looking for the wrong thing at the wrong time. CHRONOLOGY was put in the Bible not to be ignored. Ignore it and you'll miss the messiah when he comes.
Video on "Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses"
For those of us who remember field service, it typically was a car full of witnesses avoiding any contact with people. Several of us had the same call on one elderly lady because she always invited us in. Even as an elder I knew this was totally a waste of time. No one I ever called on intially ever could have come away with an impression that this was a dire warning & I just condemned them to death.
Was it a prophecy in the first place ? The words are put in to the mouth of Jesus by the Gospel writers writing at the end of the 1st Century, they simply looked at how the cult of Jesus had spread, throughout the known earth by then, and put the "prophecy" in.
This is the nature of nearly all seeming "prophecies" in the Bible.
Looking at it as a believing JW I would probably swallow their B.S and believe it to be fulfilled. The reality is very different as the posts above show, and on a daily basis it gets more and more difficult for them to preach to individuals, as more are born.
With the contraction of the WT, even simply counting nations as having been preached to because a JW missionary turned up there once , burped and farted, and then left, it is still not fulfilled I'm afraid.
The end of the WT will come before Armageddon. (The fictional battle in Magic Mushroom John's "Revelation")