i have no idea if any of them do--or grand children for that matter?
do any of the governing body have children?
by bigmac 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Open mind
I've been told by an elder that Guy Pierce has a "spiritually weak" son who (sort of) attends a congregation in Northern California.
I think they had other children as well.
Here's a link with GB info, but it doesn't give sources.
Albert Schroeder, of course, had a son - "Judah" Ben Schroeder.
If Anthony Morris III had a son, I assume you would be able to look him up in the phonebook under "Anthony Morris IV"??!
it had occurred to me that people who have never had a family of their own would find it very difficult to comprehend what shunning ones own family would be like. or denying ones own child a life saving blood transfusion.
it had occurred to me that people who have never had a family of their own would find it very difficult to comprehend what shunning ones own family would be like. or denying ones own child a life saving blood transfusion.
Not only that, but many of them have never been married. Both Russell and Rutherford were either divorced or separated from their wives, and Knorr was married in name only. Franz never married. It did not stop them from dictating rules for marital sex and whether or not to have children "in this system of things".
Very true.
I think it's a prerequisitive for brothers being considered to serve on the Governing Body that they have NO experience of normal family life. It helps to distance them in their decision making, and leave them unincumbered by any "emotional weakness".
No Room For George
Very good thread, and excellant points raised. Ironic thing about their lack of family experience, is how they print that Jesus and the annointed will be able to rule from the heavens more effectively because they'll have experienced what we deal with as humans on the earth. The GB, and plenty of Bethel and Branch heavyweights are so aloof to the responsibilities of and the emotional ties within families, that for them to state that they can relate to what the average JW is dealing is facetious at best.
Very VEry Good thread.. it was my child who woke me up, when I saw her and fell in real love with her.. I knew I didn't want her teach that stuff .. I let her MOM have custody , I'm glad I did..waiting thinking if its the truth it will hold up..it did not.. She is twenty- one and I finally had show her what Her Dad's religion was, I had never expained my position, She just knew Daddy didn't celebrate.. I sent her on facebook the video 'GRowing up JW 1960- 2010... It took 21 one years but, my desire not to decieve my own daughter... saved ME TOO...
Yes ! the love of a child... My sis is still in just had Kids.. waited till late 40's cuz of new System... now is coming to visit .. all her Df Da INac, familly . and me and my Dad noticed big changes in her we thought the Society might have changed.. since looking on here I see they haven't ... this is encouraging .. i want to get her out .. she got me In..
on her last visit she made a comment about Tate saving the family.. hummm..
great observation No Room For George...
J. Hofer
i only wonder what's their problem with the catholic church other than being pretty much the same thing. only smaller. ah - now i get it.