Hi thanks everyone.
let me awnser a few points. its safe to say we cant be 100% about CT Russell, although he was into pyradimigoly, occult symbology and was somewhat familliar with the Masonic order. (which i beleive is part of a much larger inter-religion hidden doctrine) of course the Kingdom of god and christ of the bible would have to be called "world government". im not really against the majority of the bibles depiction of gods world kingdom government. however, the diffrence is that the elite powers that are controlling our planet are allinged with the darkest and most evil machinations of the devil. They engage in behavoour and practices clearly condemed by the god of the Bible.
Adressing the depopulation eugenics program of the New World Order; They base their anti life anti human agenda on Malthusian Darwin and Galton ideas, in the name of improving our species, declare themselves god to sterilize any one who is deemed undiserable. Now they have moved on to indiscrimante methods of sterilization and depopulation in order to remove anyone who opposes and would challenge ther inbred and insane bloodlines of control. Their lies of overpopulation are the basis for support of their agenda. It is a known fact that ther is enough land and food for everyone now living and beyond, it is simply micromanagmemt, greed and evil that is controlling population and food supplies, and encouraging social ideas and behaviours such as living in one megacity or specific region, creating imbalance of resources. I will realate that i have even seen official United Nations propaganda video that admits their are enough resources to help the third world but greed and power are responsible for blocking aid to places like Africa. Also the sterilization chemical drugging of our enviormemt has the blowback of affecting every aspect of life on this planet. (which is just the tip of this agenda). It should be obvious to anyone with brain cells left that our "species" is killing itself and our home.
My problem with the Watchtower and its leadership, including its doctrine, is 100% based on ignorning truth, reality, and love which is the key to being an acceptable Christian. Again, the society supported and admired the Leauge of Nations and has also sung the praises of the United Nations. They only mildy resisted aspects of Nazism fashism and socialism in the USA. When the Rothschilds Rockefellers JpMorgan and other offshore bankers took over America by 1913, the Watchtower said nothing. When American corporations and politicians funded and supported Nazi germany, the Watchtower said nothing. When American politicians engage in death rituals at Skull and Bones and make mock human sacrifice and homosexual activity at Bohemian Grove each summer, the Watchtower said nothing. When the Council on Forigen Relations created the Leauge of Nations , the Watchtower supported it. When over 10 states had eugenics sterilization laws, the Watchtower said nothing. When the United Nations was created and gradually became world government (along with the IMF, World Bank, and the Vatican), the Watchtower said little against it and supported it in some ways
My point is, when high powered people are engaging in such a massive agenda of depopulation and world government (New World Order), engaging in occult rituals and activity condemmed in the Bible, and engage in relentless war on gods creation , the Watchtower is largely silent and has even supported aspects of the devils empire. It begs the question of " how christian is the Watchtower?"
My main point is that the Watchtowers ignorance of addressing and resisting this evil, and ignoring these men and their agendas is harmful and is essentially putting their flock in a locked cage. Only the devil puts his subjects in a locked cage. Our creator gave us this ENTIRE planet. We were not made to ignore specific men, organizatioms and ideas, or to ignore any aspect of the life we have been given.
The Watchtower cannot ignore the New World Order, the United Nations, the Vatican, the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the eugeinics and depopulation agenda, the IMF, World Bank, SaxeCoburgGothas, Beatrix and the Royal family of the Netherlands, the Bilderberg group, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Supreme Council of 33rd Scottish Rite Masonry, and the rest of the devilish empire. I was taught a basic Bible teaching: "What sharing can light have with darkness" I do feel though that Christianity in general is blessed by God, as long as you personally walk in the light and resist te devil in every way possible. I pray for the Watchtower and the Governing Body and for Christians and non Christians alike. I hope that regardless of doctrine and creed, our species will reject and throw off the oppression of the New World Order.