yes FS love the pic.. wanna get mine up tooo
Came here to see if I can give help this time
by peridotgreen 15 Replies latest jw friends
Found Sheep
It's good you want to help and agree with ladylee, who were you?
Found sheep You posted 3 times because under mind control( that we were in) you were told to do it 3 times for enforcement
Dont you remember that?
I also agree with Lee.
Welcome peridotgreen.... I have had a support group for over 20 years
You better make sure your ready for all the heartach tales that will come to youfrom persons being under mindcontrol....3 Hubbies? Wow!!!! Hope the one you have now is for keeps.
Guess that scared you off EH? Dont like Grannies answer.
Yes, this husband is for the rest of my life.....or his.....whichever comes first.
I am well aware that most will not feel comfortable talking to someone she feels she cannot trust - yet. However, the offer is out there. Who knows and who is to say what does or does not do it for someone?
write anytime. Please. I mean that.
I was fortunate in that I was the only JW in my family. It must be extremely difficult if one's family is still a member of an organization one wants to leave - and there is a high cost associated with leaving.
But PM me any time. And please please please stick around here. Make new friends. Read everything you can.