@thetrueone (It's called Channelling or tuning in to your higherself)
You Chose To Be Here On Earth At This Important Time.
by IamPresence2012 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think channeling may be a way good depending on the channeler I guess. It could be a "self" orienting device but because it comes thru an ego consciousness and may lose a certain amount of objectivity but these are only my fears and projections at the moment. Hard to tell.
That being said thanks for the link.
Hey why wouldn't "self" make easy communication available thru YOUTube this also needs scrutiny being the 2 potentials of both good and bad. Which in another words saying: "be very care on whom one project the "Self" archie type,, may it be a good and wise person chose wisely!!!!
The most important lessons to learn are being presented to you every day through the relationships you’ve had along with everything you have experienced as they are all leading you to accomplish your purpose here on Earth.
Your absolutely right , therefore I must make the notation that your a self indulgent delusional idiot.
But in a nice way.
Try telling that to the more than one quarter million "souls" who were killed during the 2004 Asian tsunami or the untold millions who have died during wars and famines. The message you peddle makes primary "sense" to the self-absorbed, narcissistic souls" who forever believe they are on the cusp of an important destiny. Well, at least you're not like Christians who peddle blood sacrifice.