Experiments hint that the secrets to longevity are close to being unlocked

by cedars 17 Replies latest social current

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I take my hat off to jwfacts for recommending an excellent site, namely www.ted.com. This website is full of visionaries and people with wonderful ideas about the future. The website is kind of a "youtube" of academics, where scientists and entrepeneurs pitch their visions of the future in brief talks. Needless to say, the "talks" shown on this website are infinitely more edifying than the talks we grew accustomed to at our kingdom halls.

    The theme of one talk grabbed my attention - "Experiments that hint at longer lives" by Cynthia Kenyon.


    I'm increasingly interested in this field of human science since acknowledging my own mortality when I mentally left the Borg. On the one hand, I relish the challenge of doing as much meaningful stuff in my 40 to 60 remaining years as possible. On the other hand, I am slightly nervous that this is all I have, and I wouldn't mind having a bit more, if at all possible.

    Kenyon notes that there is a huge variance of lifespans within the animal kingdom. It is almost as though there is an invisible dial that is tuned to different ages, depending on the creature. For example, the lifespan of a mouse is 2 years, whereas the lifespan of a bat is 50 years. The difference? The genes of one species allow for reduced aging in comparison with the other.

    Kenyon then describes experiments with a type of worm that normally dies within a month. Individual worms within a control group with just one simple genetic mutation were able to live TWICE as long as their 'normal' counterparts.

    I find this sort of thing extraordinary, and the possibilities seem endless. What if one day we can have our genes altered, thereby slowing down aging, or halting it entirely? I'm not getting my hopes up too much over this, but it does seem that the potential of science to impact on human longevity may be more significant than we realise.

    Thoughts anyone?


  • IamPresence2012

    Medical science has established that we have 2 strands of DNA and 10 strands of 'junk' DNA, but they have not understood the purpose of that 'junk'” DNA. Recent information has revealed its higher purpose; supporting a multidimensional consciousness, our natural state. Realigning, reconnecting and activating our 10 strands of junk DNA (aka the DNA Recoding or RRA Process) is the process by which we attain that state. When we are multidimensional, our physic abilities are reawakened and we have developed a second neural network at the etheric level. This second neural network is what allows us to live in multiple dimensions at once. We can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions.

    The DNA Recoding process works at the etheric—some call it the light body—level. At this level your 10 strands of junk DNA along with your 2 connected strands are realigned above your crown. Because DNA is holographic, it can be simultaneously realigned, reconnected and activated.

    Our entire solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy, has now entered a highly charged portion of space. We are immersed within the Photon Belt (Menasic Radiation), a period of intense light we first entered in the late 1990s and in which we will remain for a 2,000 year period. During this remarkable time the energies from the Photon Belt are triggering a complete reordering of life as we know it. This occurs because photon light energy has the capacity to lift all of life into a higher frequency dimension as it carries the seeds for the enlightenment of all. The atomic structures within the cells of our bodies are slowly re-tuning themselves to match these rising frequencies. We are shifting from a third dimensional carbon based body (from one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of carbon) to a fifth or higher dimensional crystalline body or light body (to one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of crystal). So too the bodies of animals, plant life and all upon and within the earth are making this transition, as is our entire galaxy.

    We are inthe process of retunring to the 12 DNA strands right now. One physical change in humans, will be a spinal arrangement better adapted for upright walking, as we have been moving in that direction for a long time in our evolution. Our geneticists have already detected an increase in people with more than two strands of DNA. All of these people have various psychic abilities. This will continue, until we achieve maturity with 12 strand DNA .

  • glenster
  • slimboyfat

    Have you watched the videos by Aubrey de Grey? He has some sort of JW connection too you know.

  • cedars

    slimboyfat - not yet, I will definitely check those out! I don't want to get my hopes up too much though!

    glenster - thanks for the link.

    IamPresence2012 - where did you get that info from?


  • slimboyfat

    Aubrey de Grey reckons that the first person to live to 1000 has already been born. In fact he thinks that people who are already middle aged might reach the "longevity escape velocity" as he likes to call it.


    A similar idea is promoted by Ray Kurzweil and other singularitarians who believe that information technology and artificial intelleigence will solve the problem of human ageing. Sceptics have dubbed the singularity "salvation for nerds".

  • james_woods

    I would rather live to 75 as a healthy, active adult than to 95 as a senile invalid.

  • IamPresence2012

    Punctuated Equilibrium: The evolutionary process involving long periods without change (stasis) punctuated by short periods of rapid speciation. These sudden and rapid changes have been called by evolutionary biologists a punctuated equilibrium.

    At this moment we are beginning to undergo such a punctuated equilibrium.

    The nature of our species, homo sapiens is now undergoing a huge shift. Some call it a transformational evolution, others call it the end of our old world and the beginning of a new one happening simultaneously.

    Some can only perceive the negative side of it and are reacting with extreme fear over the loss of the familiar. They predict doomsday but, although many things in our old world are perishing rapidly, there demise will only herald a new age. A new age so different from the past dysfunction of thousands of years as to be almost incomprehensible from our present perspectives. The metaphor of a "golden age of peace' has been used many times and in many cultures to describe the aftertime.

    Our physical DNA affects our personal human conscious awareness. DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, intertwined, commingled. What affects one affects the other. DNA is the material/physical aspect of human consciousness. Those who are becoming aware of the spiritual aspects, due to activating their energenic heart, are able to see the metaphysical implications as well.
    Convergence of galaxies from an Earth perspective of the Milky Way Galaxy

    The scientists themselves, both those in Russia and two independent astronomical studies recently carried out by two U.S. Universities, have calculated that the peak of the alignment is December 2012. This date has empirically confirmed the accuracy of the Mayan Calender which expires on our Gregorian date of December 21st, 2012. 11:11 AM GMT to be precise.

    The meaning of this has long been contemplated. However, the Mayans themselves clearly explained it, as those who focus on the study of the ancient Mayan culture have told us.

    Basically, the Mayans said that it is NOT the end of the world but our world's recycling and transformation into an entirely new world where peace will reign. It is the golden age long prophesied by many, many cultures on earth, although described in various cultures with different metaphores.

    Checkout the website www.In5D.com,,, lots of infromation on DNA and how our bodies will be changing.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Copy and paste. Any newbies with 2012 in the name are here to convert you to their end times speculations no doubt...

  • james_woods

    The Mayan calender?

    What in the hell does that have to do with DNA (or, for that matter - human life expectancy?)

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