2/15 WT " Preserve the Positive Spirit of Congregations" - Translation :Submit

by flipper 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    WILLIAM H CONLEY- I like your name. Cool sounding name. I just wish I could read your post. It isn't showing up. Perhaps please try again ? Thanks.

    SMIDDY- WT society DOES speak with a forked tongue. One reason nobody can believe ANYTHING they say or promise. It's all a bunch of lies.

    PUNK OF NICE- I agree with you, WT society is ratcheting up the control measures lately. Articles on DFing, telling JW's to shun ANYBODY pushing a so-called " negative " spirit. I also agree with you that we ex-JW's ARE having an effect on the WT society. THEY are having to react to what WE are doing, not necessarily vice versa . So that's a good thing. It shows WT leaders are desperate P.S. Thanks for the fish ! I love fish !

  • nugget

    There is no mercy or weakness allowed within the congregation. The message is only keep company with those who are happy and indoctrinated. The emphasis on negative people and reporting sins contains the idea that negativity is in itself a sin. So if someone is unhappy with some aspect of doctrine or the congregational arrangement then they have nowhere to go to work through their issues.

  • tornapart

    Even when I was well 'in' I had problems with this. I had a close friend many years ago who did things she could have been disfellowshipped for that she told me in confidence. I never broke that confidence and never would if it happened again. She did get disfellowshipped a lot later but by this stage she wanted out anyway. I hate the way the WTS wants us to rat on our friends. Is it because they want them to get help? No, they just want to judge them and then kick them out and tell all their family and friends never to have anything to do with them again. It's all wrong!

  • flipper

    NUGGET- It's a good point you say that the emphasis on negativity indicates that it is in itself a sin to the WT society. Very true. WT society leaders look at negativity as a threat to their power and control over JW members. One reason they try to kick anybody out who is complaining. And there is nowhere to go for those who need to vent, true. Very sad.

    TORNAPART- I could never understand or accept ratting out my JW friends to elders either. I always felt if a person had a problem they should work it out themselves . I felt that elders interference in marriage issues really hindered couples from working out their differences because of the crazy teachings elders would insist on marriage mates to observe. AND that elders were NOT educated or qualified to be marriage counselors ! But you are right - the main purpose is to kick people out of the congregation so they can be gossipped about in a juicy manner . I saw plenty of that in my time as a JW. Good for you that you kept your friends confidence ! It shows you are a good friend to people

  • LongHairGal

    Hi Flipper,

    Thanks for this gem. I give you credit for even being able to read their rubbish.

    First of all, regarding their so-called "Confidentiality", they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Everybody here knows there is NO confidentiality in this religion. They just want to give the illusion to the naive in the congregations that there is. The religion simply wants the average JW to keep SOME things confidential. Such as: faults of the elders and other wrongdoings in the congregations. They don't want the average JW to hear these things and they certainly do not want anybody OUTSIDE of the religion to know about these things. Must keep up that holy facade.

    On the other hand, if the average JW is guilty of "wrongdoing" the religion certain DOES want to hear about it. Likewise, the religion expects "loyal" JWs to rat-out other JWs to the religion for any and all "infractions" - especially anybody who has contrary views. That certainly is a no-no.

    So, the message I get loud and clear from the religion IS: keep OUR mistakes private but you must tell US about yours!

  • punkofnice

    Elders' wives know more than anyone else about what's going on with who in the congregation.

    I remember one bully boy elder (DF'd for shagging but soon back on the BOE), his wife was the font of all gossip. She was never taken to task over it either.........but if you wanted to know the dirt on someone ask her!!

  • flipper

    Been working a lot. Finally have a little time to reply on this. Thanks for your thoughts ! Appreciate it.

    LONG HAIR GAL- Good point that you make that the elders just want their OWN indiscretions and vices kept confidential- but they don't mind rank & file JW's shortcomings being exposed. There is a different set of rules used for elders as compared to rank and file JW's.

    PUNK OF NICE- Very true what you say about elders wives knowing more about confidential matters , really, than even elders themselves sometimes ! I knew some elders wives who rEALLY caused a lot of dissension and heartaches among people in congregations when I attended. Gossipmill ran amok with dirty laundry of certain people if that person was on an elders or his wives $hit list. Happened often

  • nugget

    I have to say that can't leave never told me anything when he was an elder. Even when he was out doing a jc he never told me that was what he was doing. No one ever tried to ask me for information since I knew nothing. All I knew was that he was often upset but wouldn't talk about it. If he answered a call he would go to another room. It was a lonely life as an elders wife constantly looking after children alone so my husband could focus on t he needs of the congregation. Mind you I also knew an elders wife who knew everything.

  • flipper

    NUGGET- Just from getting to know your husband Cantleave on the board here- I believe you when you say he was a standup guy and didn't gossip to you about fellow JW's he dealt with at JC meetings. Both you AND your husband are jewels of people and outstanding in your character and authentic human compassion . It's one reason you are no longer in the JW cult. You both have character and left. WT society is losing it's best people

  • DJPoetech

    my 2 cents

    The article seemingly allows an area of personal control but then immediately regulates it. Basically flushing out the corner of anonimty that some Witnesses may have enjoyed for the moment.

    In essence, "don't get too comfortable and close with your friends and coming up with weird reasonings because we still control this ... !"

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