Do you realize that present day Israel is about the size of NJ? I don't see how the God of the Universe would focus everything on a NJ type state. Why do only Israelites have prophecy? Then, they stop abruptly b/c Christianity must dominate. Well, I am certain every nation on earth believes its personal God is ruler of the universe. The only evidence we have that God favored Israel is statements by Israelites. I consider than worse than citing wikipedia.
I wonder what Judaism would be like today if Christianity did not use its writings to bolster Christianity. I see nothing holier in Judaism or Christianity compared to other religions. The other religions have miracles, interesting stories, great literature, and prophecies.
There are two ways that I see of viewing scripure: literally but thru one's own personal filter. The Holy Spirit, My Lord spoke to me (and not to inferior you) and a wider, world view that recognizes historical data. Perhaps there is a universal element in the story that has relevance in your own life.
One view is certain. The other is educated surmise.
I don't see a way for other side to communicate with the other. I don't need Kings of the North and South in my life. Nor the four horsemen, the throne, the great beast, Bablylon the Great. These were childish beliefs. Perhaps b/c of where I lived, I had many friends of different religions. They were not evil. Any God would respect them.