Australia Bethel in the 1940's was making big money! They used "bethelites" to run 2 bakeries, a saw mill, 20 "kingdom" farms and an engineering company. Bethel arranged to wash SOLDIERS uniforms at their laundry??? And fed them at the canteen, and produced instruments of war...{Watch 1947 June 1st P.173} Even though brothers went to jail for refusing to put a uniform on??? Yearbook 1983 p.64 says Rutherford's visit was to examine some complaints about the commercial activities of the Australia Branch...he was satisfied that this did not harm the preaching and COMMENDED the brothers..." Many left the "TRUTH."
1947 Brother Knorr came over to sort out Rutherfords mess!! He made the Australian Brothers Apologize for this mess!!!! That was caused by HIS Branch servant and former President??? WHAT???
{Page 97} KNORR "We desire in the presence of Jehovah to confess that we during the war ...violated our neutrality...put properties at use for the war effort...we do not wish to shift the blame on any ones, or one. {Rutherford and the Branch servant}...we confess and ask forgiveness.."