Open Letter from the Children of Jehovahs Witnesses to the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses
by sizemik 29 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Yes, thanks Scatteredsheep for the link . . .
The program is very relevant to the current situation. The program is about 10 years old as 00DAD said, which highlights how long this has been allowed to fester, to the detriment of a great many.
One of the most telling parts of the program for me, was when the trial judge was quoted as saying how dismayed he was that WTS elders had not been reporting serious crime . . . and that he hoped this was being dealt with by the Police. Obviously, it wasn't. The authorities have failed the children and so need to step up now.
As for media coverage, I am confident that is purely a timing thing and the media treatment will come in due time. The time for the GB to front up and apologise however . . . is now.
The program has been posted here a few months back but I'd have to go find it. Another JWN poster has the full program available for viewing on his blogsite . . . (thanks 3Mozzies)
Thanks again for the post.
And you're very welcome, sizemik.
Aussie Oz
You should go to the courthouse and tell them you are “guilty” and did wrong and say sorry to everyone even if it means getting into trouble. You always tell us in The Watchtower magazine that this is what Jehovah says we must do before he will forgive us. You tell us that pride is why people do not apologise. You tell us that real Jehovah’s Witnesses always say sorry.
and these letters need to be sent (by those who wrote them) to every major newspaper in the country.
A belated 'You're Welcome' to Michelle and 00DAD. (Sorry it took so long.)
JW GoneBad
This needs to be BTTT! According to this news video from Australia child molestation among Jehovah's Witnesses is the "norm not the exception". WOW!
A must see video! Thank you Scatteredsheep.
Band on the Run
This letter is impressive. I'm not critizing but I feel it would be much effective if written in a young child's voice, complete with some conceptual defects common to children. I would not be able to do it myself but I have seen other documents written from a child's voice, complete with grade school understandings. They wrench your heart out. Yet I am convinced that most of the time, a creative adult has written the document.
Some junior high or high school students would understand this whole area. They could write on behalf of their younger siblings. A true victim's tale would be moving.
compound complex