Thoughts on turning 65 today
by Terry 73 Replies latest jw friends
I missed this thread Terry. So sorry!
Happy Birthday one month late :)
I turned 65...... 3 years ago. MEDICARE! HappY Birthday gIO !!!!! Best birthday I ever had. No more worry I'd wind up dying in the cold outside a hospital that ducked treating me for the tenth time.
Get me DR. House MFer. That's right I'm the Man now! Leaking heart valve.... treat it! Find a pig and get me a new heart valve, cook up some bacon while your at it.
Nurse? Oh Nurse! It's Bed pan time....... chop chop! Oh yeah 65 ...... truth to power!!! i'M THE MAN (dances around the hospital room....... chases nurse catches her, bad choice. ...kicked in the groin, falls to on birthday ever......... fade to black ........bright lights....... new world?....... holy shit I'm coming out on the wrong side of that a hospital surgical room, live pig waiting to be gutted. No problem still better then being at a watchtower study. Fade to black again. Wake up in ICU, cartoons on TV......... morphine drip....bliss. Wife peers down....."your blue " she says". "Freak it" I'm 65 who gives a good crap! I've got medicare!
What are you whinning about TERRY? It's all good now.
Happy Birthday, and thanks for sharing your distilled wisdom if I may?
I'm 38 and reached that first critical moment only 18 mos. ago to leave the WTS and face life outside the "spiritual paradise", but since then there have been several other critical stages I would say, rather than moments that I'm going through currently. In my quasi-sleep stage at night I'll think back to the past and try and look to the future at myself in a way to maybe "fix" what I've missed out on back there and my mind races to the future for some reason, I think because it's checking to see if I've got enough time to live and correct the mistakes. Well, I finally decided to not be so time conscious in the worrying sense and just be honest with myself with what it is that I want in life. Deciding what we want and then asking for it is the hardest part I believe.
Thanks, I really could relate to what you said about being wrong about knowing yourself- or wrong in advance- as you put it. That was great :) very comforting to me! I will try new things.
Take care.