Lately i have been thinking about saying something apostate to my elder father in law. He is an uber witness and actually believed that god interveined and saved him when he had a heart attack and kept him alive, until he told me that and i asked him why jehovah allowed JWs in Nazi concentration camps to suffer horribly and die but he loved an alcoholic more than them.
I havent been to a KH in 6 months or in service in years. i grew a beard and basicallyhe avoids talking to me. i could care less but he and his wife talk to my wife and lay on the guilt. i am getting sick of the attitude from all of them. the fake sympathy and condesending looks are pathetic and if i am DFed i wonder if most of the bullshit from the witnesses will go away. Most of the old jw friends i had are shunning me already so why not DF on purpose. They wouldnt be disfellowshiping me, i am disfellowshipping them.