Disclosing Watchtower Sexual Abusers Using the Courts

by Scott77 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Scott77

    "...10 years ago, a crisis unfolded that became the worst in U.S. church history.The Boston Globe persuaded a Massachusetts judge to unseal documents that showed the Archdiocese of Boston kept clergy who had molested children in parishes without warning parents or police. The outrage that the news reports generated spread nationwide. Soon, every American bishop was pressured to disclose diocesan records on abusive clergy. In June, beleaguered church leaders gathered in Dallas, trailed by more than 750 reporters, to adopt a new child protection policy and discipline plan for guilty priests..."
    cited from http://news.yahoo.com/more-us-catholics-complaints-church-court-185049115.html

    My question therefore is, how about adopting similar tactics against the Watchtower? Why and why not? What is your reaction?


  • wannabefree

    Most people don't care about the religion in general.

    The importance of the JW religion is a delusion of grandeur.

    The Catholic population in the U.S. is approximately 78 million and well known throughout the world, JW's are about 1.2 million in the U.S. and have no influence politically so they are often just ignored as nothing more than an occasional irritant.

  • rebel8

    What about this strategy has not been employed against wts already?

  • blondie

    An organization called SNAP spearheaded the legal action on the Catholic Church. They were able to get access to many of the RC files.


    Also there is law firm in Texas that works with jws and ex-jws regarding abuse.



  • Scott77

    I think, your reactions were informative. This post has attracted 137 viewerships. I think, that indicates a level interest. Thanks everyone including Blondie for posting internet links. I believe, this kind of resource may help others in need of mores.


  • discreetslave

    I get annoyed when I see little groups like Warren Jeffs getting attn.
    There isn't enough interest outside the JW or ex JW community to get the attn the Catholics got.
    Maybe if some big wig gets annoyed that the WT is making all this money tax free and is a pedophile paradise may help get some real scrutiny of the WTB$.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I wish we had excellent pr and marketing people active as former Witnesses. Control of the media seems to be our failing. It is salacious material. Do we really care about a few girls in UT or is it some form of entertainment. Those prairie dresses and the practice of polygamy immediately show that they are the other.

    I believe the Catholic Church's policy of deference, at least as bad as the Witnesses, and celibacy attracts pedophiles more than other religions. Every religion, school, and group must have plenty. The issue to me is what policies are adopted to deal with it when it happens. The Catholic Church's woes are a cheap template for other groups to follow. The Catholic Church has lost so much power and funds precisely b/c they sought to save priests and not the children.

    Does anyone have any statistics that JWs err more than other groups?

    The two witness rule drives me crazy. First, the WT has no competence as to secular crimes. They can have a zillion witness rule and it matters little to a court. Two parties must be protected in the process: the alleged peophile who is innocent until proven guilty and the child. It makes sense that a defenseless child deserves greater protection. Rape law, in the male chauvinist day, protected men. Women had to show much corroboration. The legal rule was taken up by society who believed the woman had to ask for it. Yes, kill me, please. Tear apart my body. The women's movement changed these silly rules. A woman could conceivably make it up. Children don't have the knowledge of the power of the accusation.

    The Witness could encourage someone reporting abuse to prosecutors immediately and also follow an internal religious policy. No, It makes me sick b/c all I ever heard as a Witness was what filth Catholics were. Now I clearly see parallels between the Witnesses and the Catholics. They are only jealous that the Catholics have so much more power.

    The laws for pedophiles have changed to encourage prosecution without depriving anyone of due process rights. The laws can only work if parents report the abuse. My mom was friendly w/ apedophile. She babysat his daughter. The govt was deeply involved. As soon as she could speak, she was very vocal about not touching her if she did not like it. The schools have to teach that to every kid. Laws are useless unless they can be used. Stigma must dissuade children in the first place. Imagine the stigma for Witness born-ins.

  • rebel8

    Control of the media seems to be our failing.

    Ha! I've been saying that for years. Finally someone agrees with me!!

  • Scott77

    Does anyone have any statistics that JWs err more than other groups?
    Band on the Run

    This is a very good question. I have no idea how to answer but some of our brainy guys and gals around might be of help.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    control of the media?.......nobody controls the media except those with $$$ to make FROM IT.

    There is no money to be made in JWs. Their news does not sell papers, or pay for TV shows. Because they are a minority group in the minds of everyone, any news of them is treated as small time too.

    JWs are just a curiosity to the world and the only ones they matter too are their victims. The percentage of victims per population is so small. More people care about a tree getting cut down than the WT abuse.

    Protests draw less news than that tree getting cut down too.

    The JWs are like a glass splinter...small enough to go undetected and big enough to hurt one finger.


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